Thank you IT home netizens assassin The clue is delivered!

IT House June 23 news, today, LONGi officially announced,LONGi has made another major breakthrough in the research and development of silicon heterojunction photovoltaic cells (HJT).

IT House understands that LONGi said that it has been tested by the Institute of Solar Energy Hamelin (ISFH) in Germany. M6 full-size cell (274.4c㎡) photoelectric conversion efficiency of 26.50%creating a new world record for the efficiency of large-scale single-crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells.

LONGi sets new world record for HJT battery efficiency

According to reports, in October 2021, LONGi broke the HJT battery efficiency world record twice a week, and this time it pushed the HJT battery efficiency world record to 26.50%.

According to data, LONGi was established in 2000 as a solar technology company. LONGi has five business segments: monocrystalline silicon wafers, battery modules, industrial and commercial distributed solutions, green energy solutions, and hydrogen energy equipment.

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