
Technology changes so quickly that once revolutionary devices do not even have time to work out their resource, turning into an unnecessary dust collector and a habitat for spiders. Unused electronics are the scourge of the modern world. Many of us probably have fully functional gadgets sitting around gathering dust, such as old computer monitors, which can be used in a variety of ways.

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Until recently, we were happy that they fit on our desktop, making the computer a really compact and affordable device. Today, it’s just a plastic container stuffed with electronics. It is a pity to throw out the monitor, because it is still working. Nevertheless, this device may well get a second life, in a different, however, quality.

Old CRT monitors are not difficult to take apart, but it can even be dangerous if done incorrectly. Therefore, before implementing any of the projects below, please read the step-by-step instructions for disassembling your device. It should not explode and harm you during the rework process.

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What can be done from an old monitor?

Once safely disassembled, your monitor can enjoy its new life outdoors or help you bring a piece of nature into your home or office. Why not turn a plastic container into a stylish flowerpot? The authors of the project claim that the alteration will take about 2-3 hours.

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What can be done from an old monitor?

Do you have a container with a glass lid? So what’s stopping you from making an aquarium out of it? With the help of epoxy resin and a mounting hair dryer, you can achieve tightness of the container. It remains only to arrange the background of the aquarium and launch a fish there. Perhaps, over time, there will be a place for other forms of marine life in a pretty micro-tank.

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Miniature puppet theater

What can be done from an old monitor?

After removing the insides of the monitor, it can be turned into a real theater, albeit a puppet one. Place a background on the back panel and cut a hole on top to control the puppets. An obsolete device will become a new playground for children!

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Cat’s house

What can be done from an old monitor?

Your cat is constantly sitting on the system unit of the computer, so give her the opportunity to finally win. Let the monitor become her comfortable home. This project gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively. The house can be decorated with feathers or colored paper, glue wooden handles on the bottom and place the house at the desired height. A heating pad placed under the bed will make this place not only cozy, but also warm.

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Nest for laying hens

What can be done from an old monitor?

Swap the pillows for straw and you can set up your own little bird farm. Laying hens will love this house.

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magazine rack

What can be done from an old monitor?

This project came about as a result of a design competition. An old monitor can become a magazine rack. To do this, you just need to take the old legs from the furniture and drill them to the base of the device. The author of the project even provided a secret compartment for correspondence in the rack.

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What can be done from an old monitor?

This project is worth noting for its sense of humor. A broken old monitor, after a slight re-equipment, turns into a 50-liter trash can.

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note board

What can be done from an old monitor?

The main complaint about CRT monitors is their volume. But no one interferes with the help of a small alteration to make the device compact and give it a new life. It will no longer be able to become a flat monitor, but it’s quite a board for attaching notes, notes and papers. You just need to attach a cork board to the front of the monitor instead of glass. And at the back, for structural stability, wooden handles can be attached. In this way, you can also convert a flat screen monitor that has become unnecessary.

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picture frame

What can be done from an old monitor?

Nothing prevents you from making a digital photo frame out of the monitor, but for this you will have to use a whole computer. But an outdated monitor can become a good analog frame. You can put anything in it – from photographs to handmade creations.

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Personal Computer

Using a Raspberry Pi single board computer (for sale here), you can turn an old monitor into a full-fledged PC for about $50. All you need to do is connect your Raspberry Pi to a monitor. In addition, based on the Raspberry Pi, you can create a retro video game console or a multifunctional clock, such as PiClock.


As conceived by the author of the project, the gadget is able to display the current time, the weather forecast in the region where the user is located, as well as a radar map. Developer published on GitHub step-by-step instructions for assembling the device, but, in fact, to create PiClock you only need a monitor, a Raspberry Pi, a keyboard and mouse, and an active Wi-Fi connection.

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Private Monitor

If you don’t want others to see what you’re doing on your PC, make your monitor peep-proof. To other people’s eyes, it will look like a simple white screen on which nothing is happening, but you can work as usual by wearing special glasses. To make such a monitor, you will need an old screen, a pair of glasses, a screwdriver, scissors, polarizing film and a penknife. The process of creating a private monitor is shown in the video below.

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Mirror (or “smart” mirror)

An old broken LCD monitor can serve as an excellent mirror, and if the device is working, it can be turned into a “smart” mirror.

smart mirror from an old monitor

The easiest way to make an ordinary mirror, this will require disassemble the monitor, remove the screen and place it in the frame. The process of creating a “smart” mirror is a little more complicated and costly. In addition to the monitor itself, you’ll need additional supplies including a Raspberry Pi, a double-sided mirror, wood frames, cables, and carpentry tools.

smart mirror from an old monitor

In addition to the above methods, old monitors can also be used as a TV or screen for the Nintendo Wii, and ancient CRT monitors make great decorative crafts, including an aquarium.

See also:


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