
IT House reported on July 24 that “Monster Hunter Rise” “Dawn” has landed on the NS/Steam platform on June 30. Recently, some netizens discovered that the next work in the Monster Hunter series has appeared in the Discord database, and it will be called “Monster Hunter: Paradise”.

Some netizens found in the Discord background data that “Monster Hunter: Paradise” will provide the Xbox version and the PlayStation version, and many netizens said that they have personally found this relevant data. At the same time, an official Discord partner also confirmed that the information is real.

Some netizens pointed out that Capcom usually chooses to release the news of the new series a few months after the release of the last large DLC. If nothing else, we can probably see more news from Capcom about Monster Hunter: Paradise by the end of the year.

It is unclear whether this “Monster Hunter: Paradise” is a sequel to the series, or a spin-off, and it is also unknown whether it will only land on the Xbox and PS, or if there are also PC and NS versions.

IT House has learned that Monster Hunter, formerly known as モンスターハンター, is a series of action role-playing games developed by CAPCOM and first released on March 11, 2004. Players have to play the role of hunters in the game, constantly hunt monsters, obtain equipment and money, and increase their hunter level.

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