
from Karsten Scholz
There are WoW players who simply have too much gold. What to do with the riches? Well, you could buy WoW tokens, for example, and then put them into Diablo Immortal’s microtransactions. One WoW player did just that, starting with 600 million gold.

you can in As is well known, Diablo Immortal involves a lot of real moneyto provide your character with the best possible gear and gems. But what to do if you don’t have any change? Well, how about your gold reserves in WoW? Finally, you can use Azeroth currency to buy WoW Tokens, which you can then invest in other Battle.net games.

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What do you get for 600 million gold?

WoW player daymeeuhn had this idea and invested loudly this Reddit post over the past few weeks, more than 600 million gold pieces (which he apparently was able to earn by selling codes from old loot cards from Blizzard events) in a total of 3,242 WoW tokens (equivalent to about 50,000 US dollars) to use with his DI -Character Naecabon to run a total of 2,165 Elder Portals, reach 7,000 Resonance and upgrade his Legendary Gems.

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