
From 2035, it will no longer be possible to buy a new thermal car. Motorists who want to afford a new vehicle will have to turn to electric. And to charging stations to refuel…

The race against time is on, both on the side of car manufacturers who must adapt their production tools to multiply electric models, but also for public authorities and operators. The stakes are high! From 2035, it will only be possible to buy cars with electric motors, which means that the network of charging stations must be as dense as possible.

No major work needed

While stations are springing up like mushrooms along highways and in supermarket car parks, urban centers also need to be equipped. That’s where Ubitricity’s charging points come in. This subsidiary of the Shell group has developed a box called Starwhich installs on existing lampposts.

The idea is ingenious: no need to install dedicated terminals, which is expensive and requires heavy road works. These boxes use the electrical network that powers the street lamp, allowing them to provide a maximum power of 5.5 kW. The Ubitricity system was designed to recharge a vehicle when the owner does not have a garage with a suitable socket. Which is often the case in town…

© Ubitricity

The driver can pay for the recharge by flashing a QR code with his smartphone. Ubitricity also offers a subscription system to service providers. These terminals are already installed in several countries in Europe, Germany and the United Kingdom. In France, they began to appear near Calais, before a wider deployment.

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