
from Thilo Bayer
Windows 98 is coming – on June 25th. Every day, PC Games Hardware dares to take a look back at the young but eventful history of the computer.

… 1998: The success of Windows 95 was unprecedented: Thanks to a user-friendly interface and a huge advertising campaign, the Microsoft operating system went from being a highly specialized piece of software to a product for the masses. The system was still based on the old DOS kernel and its 16-bit technology, although a modern 32-bit platform had long been available in the form of Windows NT. However, Microsoft should only dare to finally switch to this technology with Windows XP – before that, Windows 98, which will be released on June 25th, is yet another new edition of the old, DOS-based system. Windows 98 – code name: Memphis – is largely based on Windows 95 C, but requires a little more hard disk space and faster hardware; a 486DX with 66 MHz and 16 MiByte RAM are the prerequisites.

On the other hand, Windows 98 brings some new functions with it, such as support for USB, which finally works to some extent, including Plug & Play, Internet Explorer 5, Active Desktop and a new driver model. However, the reliability of an NT system cannot be achieved with this – this is also proven by a “Plug & Play” demonstration by Bill Gates at the Comdex computer fair in April before the launch, which ends in a blue screen to the glee of the audience:


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