
Now two of three modules for the space station are in place

Yesterday, China sent up the second of three modules that will make up their new Tiangong space station. The module sent up yesterday is called “Wentian” (“Quest for the Heavens”) and in it the Chinese taikonauts will carry out various research experiments in the future.

Wentian left Earth aboard one of China’s Long March 5B rockets, and the launch reportedly went as planned, according to Chinese television channel CCTV. In October, the third module to the space station is planned to be connected to the two modules that are now in place. It is called Mengtian (“Dreaming of the Heavens”) and is also intended to function as a research module.

China plans to have Tiangong fully operational before the end of the year. The space station will then have a size that corresponds to one-fifth of the International Space Station ISS. Below is a sketch of what the finished space station will look like.

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