Those users who use iCloud on their iPhones and iPads, they know that for Apple technology this is the best cloud storage. The depth of integration with the system is at such a level that it is often not even clear that some data is being uploaded at the moment. With the advent iCloud Drive it became possible not only to store backups, photos and synchronize information from various applications, but also simply save files to the cloud.
The most convenient cloud storage for iPhone and iPad.
Unfortunately, as with any cloud storage, iCloud crashes occur periodically. In such situations, users cannot not only synchronize some information, but also simply download important documents for themselves. Let’s figure out what to do if files not downloading from iCloud to your device.
iCloud Drive files
Try to store files also on the device, and not just in the cloud.
I have been using a pair of iPhone and iPad since 2011. At that time, the current devices were the iPhone 4S and iPad 2. Just in the same year, it became possible to synchronize information on devices, in particular, photos, through iCloud. For eleven years of some large-scale failures in the work Apple cloud service I have not met, but with the advent of iCloud Drive and its active use, I sometimes encounter problems in downloading documents from the cloud.
For those who don’t know iCloud Drive allows you to transfer and store any files you need in Apple cloud. It doesn’t matter what operating system your device is on. You can easily enter through iCloud web version and upload documents there. This is what makes this service so convenient.
Problems with downloading files from iCloud can occur on both iPhone and iPad. Therefore, this instruction is relevant for both lines of Apple devices. If nothing happens when you try to download a file from the cloud, then the first thing to do is make sure that your device has Internet access. To do this, simply open safari and go to a website.
How to disable LTE on iPhone
If the site does not open, then you have problems either with Wi-Fi or with a mobile operator. To solve problems with connecting to Wi-Fi, we recommend using our separate material. If you are using a cellular network, try the following:
After these steps, the connection will be restored. A similar problem often occurs in places with poor LTE reception. You can not even return to this network, but stay in 3G. In many regions, this option will be even more stable. If these actions did not help, then check the balance and the rest of the traffic on your number. It is possible that you have lost money or used up the entire paid Internet package.
Airplane mode on iPhone
If you don’t feel like fiddling with settings, you can simply reset all wireless connections using airplane mode.
Assuming a good LTE signal, this method will be faster than switching from one network to another in the settings.
It may also happen that, while performing some actions in the settings, you accidentally turned off the Files application and iCloud Drive access to a cellular network. You can check it like this:
- Go to settings.
- Open the Cellular section.
- Scroll to the very bottom and make sure the toggles next to the Files app and iCloud Drive are activated.
Many disable unnecessary applications in this list so that they do not consume traffic. In an attempt to turn them off, you can accidentally catch something you need.
Reset Network Settings – iPhone
If, after completing all the above steps, you have not achieved a result, then restart your smartphone or tablet. There may have been some kind of glitch in the software. But rebooting doesn’t always help. If Internet access still does not appear, then you should reset the network settings. For this:
Keep in mind that after these steps, all saved Wi-Fi networks will be deleted. After these steps, all network settings will be reinstalled and Internet access will appear.
iCloud – download files
Not everyone knows that iCloud has a web version.
Sometimes Apple, like any large company, has a server failure. To determine this, go to Apple website to a special section to make sure that the company’s services are working. If there are messages about iCloud crash just wait for it to be fixed.
But often it can fail in access to your iCloud Drive. You can solve it in the following way:
After that, you can safely open “Files” and upload documents from iCloud Drive.
How to remove an app from iPhone
It is possible that the failure did not occur in iCloud itself or in the network settings of your iPhone, but in Files app. The most cardinal way to solve problems with this program is to reinstall it. Most importantly, before these steps, make sure that no important information is stored in the “Files”. To reinstall the Files app, do the following:
- Hold your finger on the program icon until the context menu appears.
- Select uninstall app.
- Confirm deletion.
- Restart iPhone.
- Download from the App Store Files app.
Unfortunately, not all system applications can be uninstalled so easily.
Application crashes are very rare, but it’s best to be prepared for anything.
iCloud official website
If all of the above actions did not bring the desired effect, and the document is still vital for you, then I advise you to use iCloud Drive web version.
- Open Safari.
- Go to site
- Log in with your Apple ID.
- Select iCloud Drive and download the desired document to your device.
It is more convenient to log in from an iPhone or iPad – you do not have to enter a username and password.
By going to iCloud Drive, you will have the same documents as in the Files application.
Moreover, you can do this not only with the help of Apple devices, but also from a computer running Windows and smartphone on android.
Reset iPhone to factory settings
After the file is downloaded, reset your smartphone to factory settings. There may be some kind of glitch in the iPhone software that is preventing the device from accessing iCloud Drive. For this you need:
After the reset, be sure to set up your smartphone as new and check access to iCloud Drive. By following these steps, you will finally solve all problems.
The post Can’t download files from iCloud. What to do appeared first on Gamingsym.