
According to news on June 25, according to 9to5Google, Google Pixel 7 Pro uses Samsung 2K+ AMOLED flexible screen, and the screen panel model is S6E3HC4. Compared with the previous generation Pixel 6 Pro,The new panel can reach 1000 nits of brightness (the Pixel 6 Pro is 800 nits).

In addition, Google Pixel 7 Pro is equipped with Google’s customized Tensor 2 chip, which consists of two high-performance super-large cores, two large cores and four small cores.The super core is Cortex X1, the large core is Cortex A78, and the small core is Cortex A55.

Notably, the industrial design of the Google Pixel 7 Pro has also improved. It uses a metal middle frame, which is integrated with the metal cover in the back camera area. The process is more difficult than the previous generation, and it is highly recognizable.

This time, the Google Pixel 7 series is also a dual version, the standard version is named Pixel 7, and the high-end version is named Pixel 7 Pro.Both are factory-installed with the Android 13 operating system, the world’s first Android 13 phone.

Google has yet to announce the exact release date of the Pixel 7 series.The industry speculates that the opportunity will officially debut in October.

The first Android 13 high-end flagship has been on the road, Google Pixel 7 Pro parameters exposed
Google Pixel 7 Pro

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Zhentingarticle error correction

Hashtags: PixelPixel 7 ProPixel 7

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