
Recently, “Thor 4: Love and Thunder” received a lot of praise from critics after its premiere. According to some film critics, this film not only surpassed “Thor 3: Ragnarok”, but also may be Marvel’s best one of the movies. Audience @bamfpire, who attended the world premiere, said Thor: Love and Thunder was “absolutely amazing”. “This movie beats other Marvel movies.” Collider’s Perri Nemiroff described the film as “a quirky high-energy comedy where a cast of ace actors smash scene after scene.” Another viewer, @RachelLeishman, said Thor 4″ “The perfect combination of director Taika and comedy, punched me deep in the heart. Emotionally satisfied and sobbing at the same time after watching this film, this film is flawless.” The Wrap’s Drew Taylor said: “This is probably my favorite Marvel movie and it’s probably the best Marvel movie ever made. Extremely stupid, fantastical super .
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