
Free takeout is on fire!Ele.me’s free order activity was accused of failing to submit an order customer service response

Not long ago, Ele.me launched the “Free 1 Minute” campaign officially launched.If you place an order at the free time, Ele.me will return the actual payment amount of the order to the wallet account balance of the Ele.me App.After the launch of the “Free Takeaway” campaign, it has aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

Today, according to @ Gongfu Finance, the 1-minute free order activity is swiping everywhere, and everyone has joined the free order army. Afterwards, many netizens complained,The order cannot be submitted within a single minute, or the address disappears directly.There are also netizens who fulfilled all the conditions in accordance with the rules and did not qualify for the exemption, but the colleagues who submitted the order a few seconds later were successful.

In response, Ele.me customer service responded:The order cannot be submitted because there are too many people participating in the event. If the address disappears when someone submits the order, you can take a screenshot to save the feedback.In addition to the time factor, there are other factors affecting the eligibility for a single exemption.

According to the officially announced order-free strategy, there are three elements to determine the order-free, including where to order takeout, what takeout to order, and what time and minutes to place the order. At the same time, the questions of the day will be announced at 19:00 the night before, and the answers will be announced at 22:00 that night.

As long as there is 1 product in the order with the category keyword of the day, the whole order is free, and the maximum free order is 200 yuan.Users of a single session can get one free ticket at most, however, different sessions can participate multiple times without limit.

Have you participated in the Ele.me free ticket activity? Whether the paid amount is successfully returned, see the comment area.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Shi Qiarticle error correction

Hashtag: Ele.me takeaway free order

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