— Patpong Sirikul / Shutterstock.com

The army is an essential pillar of the life of a country. However, this is not true for all countries. Indeed, Iceland, for example, does not have any.

Iceland is considered one of the safest countries in the world and is also extremely peaceful. According to a OECD report in 2012, the aggression rate is the lowest of its Member States. Indeed, the country is one of the few that does not have an army.

Iceland only has a staff of 600 police throughout the territory. Only a few dozen of them are armed. It was in 2013 that, for the first time, they shot a man and killed him.

Iceland is part of NATO. This may seem paradoxical given that it is a military organization, and that Iceland does not have an army. Indeed, the country delegated its defense to the United States until 2006, before NATO decided to send fighters to police the skies. Other countries have chosen not to have an army, or to subcontract to a foreign power. Thus, Panama has decided to put the money saved to the benefit of environmental protection. Other states, such as Liechtenstein, Monaco or the Solomon Islands, have made this choice.

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