
In response to singer Li Ziting’s death in the consignment of a dog reported on social platforms, Thai Airways official Weibo responded as follows:

For the dog consignment incident on the Bangkok-Shanghai cargo flight on June 24,We have noticed the concerns and doubts of some netizens. Please believe that we have always cherished and cherished every cute little life like everyone else.The freight department of our company is fully investigating the incident and each transportation link, and will provide the investigation result to the victim as soon as possible, and handle the relevant matters in accordance with the regulations.

In the messages, netizens urged Thai Airways to find out the cause as soon as possible and explain to the dog owner.

Earlier, Li Ziting wrote, “The dog melody boarded the plane after a series of inspections and epidemic prevention related procedures. I have been looking forward to seeing him again after two years since last night. I went to the airport early today to wait for customs clearance, Greet it, but when the customs clearance staff received it, they found that the dog had already lost its breath.”

She also pointed out that “what we have experienced is that Thai Airways can’t be contacted, local airlines are blaming each other, what we see is the dog and the cargo together, going through high temperature transportation. No one can give me an accurate answer, and neither can dogs. Come out for further inspection.”

Judging from the pictures posted by Li Ziting, the puppy was in good condition before boarding the plane, and the water, food, and urine pads were well prepared. It can be seen that the owner cares a lot. According to Li Ziting, Melody is her first dog.

Under the official WeChat account of China Eastern Airlines, netizens also left messages hoping to give a clear explanation.

According to the data, MiMi Lee (MiMi Lee) was born in Bangkok, Thailand on January 20, 2000. She is a Thai-Chinese female singer. She is well known to the public because she joined the women’s singing group “Rocket Girls 101” in the ninth place.

Accused of transporting Thai Airways at high temperature in response to the death of Li Ziting's dog consignment: a full investigation is underway

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Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: Thai Airways Dogs

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