
After days of high temperature, it finally rained in Zhengzhou today, but the intensity is really too strong to complain.

According to the Henan Meteorological Observatory, there will be a regional rainstorm in Henan starting from June 26. This large-scale rainfall will temporarily withdraw the high temperature of the previous few days, and it is expected that there will be no temperature of 40 ℃ in the next five days.

Last night, China’s weather forecast even said that “the strongest rainfall since the flood season in the north is coming”. The public in many places, including Zhengzhou, should be wary of urban waterlogging that may be caused by the rainfall. Shandong, Henan, Hebei and other places should be wary of local heavy rainfall. Droughts and floods may result.

Many friends in Henan are waiting for the heavy rain after this continuous high temperature.

On the afternoon of June 26, some areas of Zhengzhou began to rain, but some citizens found that the rainfall in Henan did not reach the level predicted in the previous forecast, and the falling raindrops disappeared when they hit the ground.


This seems to be the ginseng fruit.

Zhengzhou uses “floor heating” to interpret “evaporating under the edge” with its strength

After ten minutes of going down, the road was always wet, but after half an hour it was dry again.Probably because we are afraid that we will burn, add some water and steam it.

Rain: As soon as it came down, it was steamed up again

According to Zhengzhou Meteorology, the highest temperature at Zhengzhou Station on June 24 was 42.3°C (appearing at 15:07), breaking through the historical extreme value (42.1°C) in late June since the establishment of the station.

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Hashtags: rain in Zhengzhou

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