
The 2022 FINA World Championships are underway. In the women’s 10m platform diving preliminaries, Chinese Olympic champion Quan Hongchan appeared and performed the “Splash Disappearance Technique” once again. After Quan Hongchan played, she successfully completed a 107B difficulty in the first jump, and got a high score of 82.50, of which 7 referees gave high scores of 9 and 9.5. In the second jump, Quan Hongchan scored two 10 points, and the other five referees also gave 9.5 points, with a total score of 91.20 points, continuing to rank first. What makes the video even more amazing is the overall strength of the Chinese swimming team. Quan Hongchan performed so well that after the preliminaries ended, she got a high score of 410.85, but she could only rank second. Temporarily ranked first is another famous diving player, Chen Yuxi, with a total score of 413.95, 3.10 points ahead of Quan Hongchan. Next up is the semi-finals… .
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