
Knowledge is “money”, and well-written code can also make money.

It was reported on June 26 that registration for the Hongmeng Developer Competition was officially opened on the 24th, and its Apps UP application innovation track has been held for two consecutive sessions since 2020.With the theme of “Together We Innovate”, this event will continue the high-awards system of the previous two events, with an incentive bonus of up to 1 million US dollars.

At the launching ceremony, Wang Yue, President of Huawei’s Terminal Cloud Service Application Ecology BU, said that Huawei hopes to gather the innovative power of more global developers to create a smart full-scenario experience and application, and bring Huawei’s smart device capabilities to more consumers. Explore the digital future together.

According to reports, the Apps UP track continues to set up five major regions in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East Africa and China. In terms of award setting, in addition to the best application award, the best game award, the most social value award, the full-scene innovation award, and the technology women award established in the past five awards, the China competition area also newly established the best HMS innovation award. and the Campus Innovation Award.

Today, Huawei’s HMS mobile application ecosystem has achieved rapid growth. The number of registered developers worldwide has reached 5.4 million, an increase of 135% over the previous year.

Huawei AppGallery has distributed more than 400 billion apps globally.The HMS mobile application ecosystem has become one of the three largest mobile application ecosystems in the world.

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Hashtag: Huawei Hongmeng Developer

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