Thank you IT home netizens Coje_He The clue is delivered!

IT House June 26 news, according to a security report released by Minerva Labs, Adobe is preventing a large number of antivirus software from scanning PDF files loaded by its Adobe Acrobat Reader application.

The report shows,Adobe is blocking about 30 different antivirus software from scanning loaded PDF files. This list is like a Who’s Who of security companies, including products from mainstream antivirus vendors such as Trend Micro, McAfee, Symantec, ESET, Kaspersky, Malwarebytes, Avast, BitDefender, and Sophos. The exception is Microsoft Defender, which is owned by Microsoft, which can still scan documents loaded by Adobe Acrobat Reader normally.

A blocked antivirus product is denied access to the loaded PDF file,This means that malicious code cannot be detected or blocked by antivirus software during the loading phaseMinerva Labs noted, this shielding “has the potential to be catastrophic.”

Minerva Labs contacted Adobe, who said, “This is due to an incompatibility with Adobe Acrobat’s use of CEF, a Chromium-based engine with a restrictive sandbox design that may cause stability issues.”

In other words, Adobe chose to address stability issues by blocking security processes. Minerva Labs pointed out that Adobe did not choose to completely solve the above-mentioned stability problems, but chose a temporary solution, which would lead to malware attacks on users.

Adobe confirmed that it is working with security product vendors to resolve the aforementioned incompatibilities and “ensure Acrobat’s CEF sandbox design has proper functionality in the future.”

IT Home attaches the list of anti-software products blocked by Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Trend Micro, BitDefender, AVAST, F-Secure, McAfee, 360 Security, Citrix, Symantec, Morphisec, Malwarebytes, Checkpoint, Ahnlab, Cylance, Sophos, CyberArk, Citrix, BullGuard, Panda Security, Fortinet, Emsisoft, ESET, K7 TotalSecurity, Kaspersky, AVG, CMC Internet Security, Samsung Smart Security ESCORT, Moon Secure, NOD32, PC Matic, SentryBay

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