
from Andrew Link
Rumors about a new Titan as part of the Geforce RTX 4000 don’t stop. At the moment there is talk of the “Beast”, which is said to have 142 SM and 48 GiB.

The rumor mill sees the regular program of the Geforce RTX 4000 series ending with the RTX 4090 (Ti), but above all a Titan is enthroned. Or a CEO edition. Or the “beast”, as the media are now dubbing it. What is meant is an AD102 with its own PCB design (PG137) and almost full expansion (144 SM) for the graphics chip. The AD102-450-A1 is said to have 142 streaming multiprocessors, which would translate to 18,176 FP32 shaders. In addition, there is 48 GiByte memory of the type GDDR6X with 24 Gb/s speed – makes 1.1 TB/s transfer performance. According to the current status, the card would truly be the king of the coming generation, and not just in terms of the key technical data.

Geforce RTX 4000: New specifications for AD102, AD103 and AD104 [Gerücht]

It is said to have a power consumption of 800 watts – initially there was even talk of 900 watts – which requires two of the new ATX 3.0 connectors. One would deliver 600 watts and the 75 watts from the PEG don’t make up the difference. Given the expected acquisition costs, the power consumption shouldn’t worry the future owner. You don’t buy a Bugatti Chiron and then complain about the fuel consumption.

Latest status of the RTX 4000 rumors as a table

chip SM shaders cache memory bus Storage Type TBP
AD102 (full expansion) 144 18,432 96MiB 384 bits
AD102-450 (Titanium) 142 18,176 96MiB 384 bits 48 GiB GDDR6X 24Gb/s ~ 800W
AD102-300 (RTX 4090) 128 16,384 96MiB 384 bits 24 GiB GDDR6X 21Gb/s ~ 450W
AD103 (RTX 4080) 80 10,240 64MiB 256 bits 16 GiB GDDR6 18Gb/s ~ 420W
AD104 (RTX 4070) 56 7.168 48MiB 160 bits 10 GiB GDDR6 18Gb/s ~ 300W

The values, as the otherwise well-informed kopite7kimi calls them on Twitter, are not entirely new. A new titan made the rounds fairly early on in the inception of Ada Smells, formerly known as Lovelace. Including the absurd amount of memory. Graphics card guru Vötter will confirm that you can never have enough memory, but the 48 GiByte GDDR6X should be reasonably future-proof.

Two questions about the card need to be clarified before the new generation is launched in the fall: the name and the price. As for the name, there are several options to consider. Most would probably guess that Nvidia is exhuming the Titan brand for the model. An RTX 4090 Ti would also be possible, but it doesn’t seem to be strategically ideal, because with the Ti you could later extend the RTX 4090 and win more customers. As a customer, you want something special for the expected price of the beast. The first Geforce RTX 4000 are expected at the end of September/beginning of October.

Source: Twitter (@kopite7kimi)

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