

Heinrich and Jörg travel back in time once more. Since they do this by flipping through old magazines, the danger of time paradoxes is pleasantly low, unlike the listening fun.

As a Patreon supporter of the game veterans you will not only hear twice as many episodes, but also an extended cut of this episode: https://www.patreon.com/gamesveterans

After the news and game reports of the present, the game veterans embark on an excursion into the magazine past: What topics moved the scene 10, 20 and 30 years ago? For example, turning the pages, we encounter the third Diablo-Prank, a game-to-series-to-comic adventure (2012), the big break of The Elder Scrolls (2002), sensitive soccer players and Ultima in front of the black gate (1992). In the extended time travel for Patreon supporter we also welcome Robert Bannertwhich is based on issue 7/2002 of the PS2 magazine players introduces.

Episode 26-2022 (#274) of the game veteran podcast with Heinrich Lenhardt and Jörg Langer has a running time of 1:37:31 hours.

0:00:15 News & small talk

0:35:06 Magazine time travel: June 2012, 2002, 1992

1:35:05 Credits


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