Capabilities track sleep with Apple Watch waited a long five years since the release of the watch. In 2020, along with the release watch OS 7, Apple has given its users this opportunity. But the number of indicators determined was very small. The watch still couldn’t recognize sleep phases. The maximum that could be seen was the time and heart rate, or, more simply, the pulse. AT watch OS 9 there are much more options for monitoring sleep. But the system will be released only in the fall and not on all devices.
The capabilities of the Sleep app on the Apple Watch today are very modest.
However, if for some reason you want to see the exact picture right now, and install watchOS 9 beta If you don’t want to, then we have selected for you some great applications with which you can monitor your sleep.
Apple Watch – Uptime

To charge the Apple Watch will now have to find time before bed.
The biggest problem for all users using Apple Watch in a dream, is their battery life. Unfortunately, they lack some kind of advanced power saving mode. And the existing one leaves only the time on the screen and disables all other functions. If you have definitely decided that you need to sleep with your watch on, then you will have to rearrange your daily routine in such a way that you can charge the device.
When I was the owner Apple Watch Series 4I also used them at night. But not for monitoring sleep, but for an alarm clock. The melody on the smartphone either woke up the whole apartment with me, or no one heard it. Therefore, I had to switch to the use of hours. So that I had enough charge for the whole night and for the whole working day, I put the watch on charge when I got home somewhere around 19.00-20.00 and put it on my hand at about 23.30. With such a schedule Apple Watch quietly survived until the evening of the next day. Often even 30% of the battery remained. Of course, the operating time of smart watches Apple is their Achilles heel. Let’s hope the next generation at Cupertino will sort that out.
After resolving the issue of autonomy, you need to decide which sleep indicators you are interested in and with which application to track them. For me personally, the most important are the phases of sleep and heart rate. The watch can track the heart rate without additional software, but to determine the phases, you must use a third-party program.
Of course, there is an option to do without installing applications from third-party developers, but just roll watchOS 9 beta. We have separate instructions on our website on how to do this. But sincerely I do not advise you to do this, because in case of some errors and failures, you will not be able to return everything back. Especially for working hours on watch OS 9 on iPhone you will need install ios 16. Too many betas for a few features. So let’s take a look at three of the most popular sleep monitoring apps:
Unfortunately, in Russian App Store no longer available app Pillow. A rather pleasant program with a good and convenient interface, but it will not work to download. If you have an account in another region, you can try that one too.
Best Sleep App – Apple Watch

AutoSleep is the most advanced sleep monitoring app.
AutoSleep is probably the most popular application for sleep tracking on Apple Watch. It provides some of the most detailed data: sleep overview, quality, heart rate, sleep phases and more.
This application uses a ring system that allows you to conveniently track key statistics. But some of the handiest features are the smart alarm clock and automatic sleep detection. With the help of a smart alarm clock, morning awakening can be made as comfortable as possible. You set the time interval in which you need to wake up, and the watch, having determined the most successful phase of sleep for this, wakes you up at the specified time interval. The difference from a regular alarm clock is that the wake-up time will be different each time. It will always be within the given range, but will never be exact.
Automatic sleep detection will allow you to calmly go to sleep without thinking that you need to turn on something on your watch. In this situation, the application using the sensors on Apple Watch will evaluate your movement and pulse and will be able to determine what state you are in at the moment.
The downside of this app is its slightly complicated interface. It needs a little figuring out the cost. The program is paid – 449 rubles. But you have to pay once. This is not a subscription and does not have any in-app purchases. If you use the program as part of family access, which we talked about in a separate article, then its cost will not seem so high.
Free sleep app – Apple Watch

The free Sleep++ can even be forgiven for its slightly spartan interface.
Sleep++ is another popular app for sleep tracking on Apple Watch. It supports, as well as AutoSleep, automatic sleep detection, phasing and goal setting. The application shows a timeline in sufficient detail, including when you slept peacefully, when you were restless, and when you were awake, and determines the time when sleep was “best”.
Unfortunately, I did not find a smart alarm clock in the application. Perhaps something is wrong with my knowledge of English, but most likely it is simply not there. Sleep++ has several drawbacks that not every user will consider as such.
- Only English is supported.
- The application interface is quite ascetic.
- There are built-in ads.
But advertising can be removed in one payment for 179 rubles. And the austerity of the interface often helps not to get lost in a large amount of information. Adding another language, unfortunately, will not work in the application, and in fact this remains its only drawback.
Sleep Quality – Apple Watch

The idea to make a calendar-style application is very successful.
NapBot is a relatively new application for sleep monitoring on Apple Watch. It appeared two years ago and is rapidly gaining popularity. NapBot uses machine learning to track sleep and lets you see detailed information about phases, trends, and more.
The program interface is built on the principle Calendar apps. By going to a specific day, you can see all the information about sleep. The most interesting thing is that NapBot App for Apple Watch can work independently from iPhone. To read and commit data, it does not need constant synchronization. Currently, only the statistics of the previous day can be viewed through it, but over time, the developer plans to expand this time interval.
The program can be downloaded from App Store free, but it has a subscription model. For 75 rubles per month or 799 rubles per year, you can unlock the ability to record your sleep history and main trends, which will allow you to determine how your habits will affect your sleep.
The post How to track sleep with Apple Watch appeared first on Gamingsym.