
What a chic idea to wear in these times of national holiday, consecrating the advent of our good old Republic, the rich finery of a Dauphine about to accede to the throne! coincidence of the calendar, Long Live the Queen will be able to reassure both licensed royalists and lovers of visual novel (VN) and role-playing games in need of a summer incarnation. Beware, however, that the ax of the guillotine, de rigueur in this season, does not fall.

queen in spite of herself

So here we are with both feet in Elodie’s pretty shoes, inheriting the maternal throne at just fourteen years old without ever having seriously prepared for it. So of course, our father, the good king, will not let us down, but how to reconcile head-on, the mourning of a beloved mother and the political affairs of a country?

Neither one nor two, we will train on the job by trying to best manage his turpitudes, adolescent torments, court and etiquette intrigues, low blows and assassination attempts. Palace life, what. Lots of talk, many choices… Pure VN, luckily fully translated into French! So we won’t go any further in the story, the beating heart of the title.

Secrets of History

However, we will not hesitate to treat the curious and shameless voyeurs, to the subtleties of the Queen’s schedule, and to publicly expose her intimacy. Even stronger than Stéphane Bern. Nothing inhuman however, these new responsibilities only marginally increasing our daily life as a princess – although a crown weighs its weight.

In order to integrate the ba-ba of the perfect sovereign, we still have to select the courses we will attend morning and afternoon, among which are public speaking, flattery and good manners, practice of an instrument and history of the Kingdom. in the cultural department, finances and strategy of the armies, as well as falconry and handling of weapons in the chapter of manual activities. A diversified offer, generous enough to develop a build of extensive and comprehensive skills. But we’ll talk about that.

In the meantime, Élodie’s little life follows its course, Élodie its course, until the weekend quickly arrives, automatically. The opportunity to move forward in the main story, in particular by determining the activity to which to devote our two days of freedom. The adventurous soul, will we wander around the castle or will we prefer, like the haranguing magpie, to have a bib with the person of our choice? Hit the wall, visit the gardens? Try to vary the pleasures from one weekend to another, because the weeks then follow one another until death ensues (or any other form of outcome).

queen rpg

Let us return, however, to build of the character, which we mentioned earlier. Madame, indeed, has her moods, which can be consulted at any time within an airy, clear and intuitive table. Fear, anger, sadness, joy, determination or feeling of loneliness, each of his moods is affected by a number of hearts which constantly evolves, increases or decreases according to the events, the content of the week, the program of the week -end; muse in the vegetable garden will fill you with a quiet happiness, while slipping away from the palace will certainly boost your determination, the feeling of isolation accentuating

however in both cases.

These parameters directly influencing our academic success, they should not be neglected: joy facilitates, for example, the learning of good morals, eloquence or complacency. On the contrary, anger and strength of character benefit war strategies, the economy too. So many areas of skill to develop or not, depending on your aspirations and the narrative, some sections of which will only be revealed thanks to particular talents, like additional activities on weekends.

Needless to say that here again, the large number of possible orientations benefits the replayability, although the original story remains fundamentally the same and the gameplay fatally redundant, once known most of the textual inserts, and the scenario branches likely to cause your death identified. We said, from visual novel pure stock. As such, the lifespan of ten hours – count three times less time as soon as the scenario is assimilated – ultimately turns out to be quite reasonable for the genre and the price of 9€99 excluding promotion. All fully playable by touch!

The beauty of the Queen

Final test before reaching the throne, the meticulous examination of the graphics and the attentive listening of the soundtrack: if the latter speaks for itself, relatively classic and in accordance with the aesthetics of the title, its few piano notes , velvety, are enough to satisfy us.

As for the former, in the vein of a majority of NVs, they concentrate their efforts on Japanese-looking protagonists, flattering the retina without either acting as a technological showcase. Note that over time, Her Majesty’s wardrobe is enriched with new outfits, our avatar is visually renewed. What vain coquetry, my Queen!



  • The story unfolds smoothly…
  • A good lifespan…
  • Many ways to perish
  • Some crucial choices we have to make
  • Our skills to improve
  • Evolutionary character traits
  • Activities whose variety depends on the extent of our abilities
  • A nice soundtrack
  • In French
  • Playable by touch


  • …despite its tired starting premise and a tendency to repeat itself
  • …despite its tired starting premise and a tendency to repeat itself

Note detail

  • Graphics

  • Gameplay

  • Getting started

  • Soundtrack

  • Lifetime

  • Script

  • Translation

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