
Yesterday, Wednesday, July 27, 2022, took place in Los Angeles the big premiere of the new HBO series House of the Dragon. Logically, most of the actors as well as the producers and directors were invited. Actually, the author should too George RR Martin to be a guest, but unfortunately he was unable to attend the event. He has corona.

Corona slows down George RR Martin

Casey Bloys from HBO Max announced the bad news during the premiere. So Martin was of course invited to the event, after all the House of the Dragon series is based on his novel “Fire&Blood”. However, the author was on Wednesday morning tested positive for the coronavirus and therefore had to go into quarantine immediately: “Today I actually wanted to start by introducing you to George RR Martin and how great it is to have George with us on this journey. Unfortunately George caught Corona at Comic-Con so he can’t be here. I think he’s feeling fine. You don’t have to worry.”

George RR Martin called in the same day a personal video message to speak to talk about his current situation. He only have very mild symptoms like a runny nose and occasionally a brief urge to cough.

Otherwise he is fine, but of course he has to remain in isolation. In addition to attending the premiere of House of the Dragon, he also has a few cancel other appointments have to.

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