
Immediate disappointment, no Omar Da Fonseca and Benjamin Da Silva to comment on this video, which however has the good idea to offer French subtitles to detail subjects as varied as HyperMotion2 technology, the importance of women’s football in this new edition but also the attack, the defense, the goalkeeper or the technical gestures.

HyperMotion2 technology refers to the recording of data on 90-minute matches and new training sessions, just to digitize more and more relevant animations. It is more exactly a question of some 6,000 new animations captured directly on players, but also of players, in the heat of the action.

Based on the 9.2 million frames accumulated during advanced motion capture sessions, advances in the next-generation algorithm and evolutionary learning allow new natural and realistic animations to be created in real time to create even more on-pitch interactions in FIFA 23“, we are told.

The dribbles are announced to be more reactive, in particular thanks to the possibility of interrupting a dribble animation to transplant more easily to the opposite side and thus feint your opponent. We also mention the distinction between three types of acceleration, some players being, for example, not very explosive at start-up but able to sprint over longer distances, while others will wreak havoc on the first presses, just enough to get rid of the marking.

We are also touted the merits of the Power Shot, a new risky shooting mechanic but which can lead to a skylight cleaning accompanied by a neat animation. This super shot, which requires an extra touch of precision and a little more time than a normal shot, can be triggered with L1 and R1 just after a dribble or in first intention. Set pieces have also been updated. On the defense side, we remember the addition of a long sliding tackle supposed to clear the ball as far as possible, ideal for countering a super shot attempt.

And let’s not forget the girls. Already represented in the franchise for a few years through the national selections, women’s football is finally taking the lead with the arrival of the Women’s World Cup but also clubs from a certain number of championships, including the 12 teams of our D1 Arkema, championship dominated by Lyon and Paris.

  • Also Read | FIFA 23, very offensive first impressions

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