
Regarding the Worldslayer expansion for Outriders, I could make it relatively easy for myself (and you) and say: Did you like Outriders? Well, buy Worldslayer and you will be happy with it. Basically, Worldslayer does exactly what you would expect from an expansion (the purpose is already in the name). It extends the base game with more of the same and a few new additions. And in a skillful way.

The focus is by no means on the endgame or cooperative aspects, although they also get their share. No, there are more than enough job opportunities for solo players to push their own character to the maximum. The new story campaign takes up the B-movie charm known from the base game and delivers simple action where you don’t have to waste too much thought on complex plots. The staging is just as well done as in the main game, although it ultimately primarily represents the framework for what the core of Outriders is.

Outriders thrives on its struggles

And those are undoubtedly the fights. The whole combat system was the strength of the base game and Worldslayer just delivers more of that. Reluctant to move is definitely in the wrong place here. While there is a cover system reminiscent of Gears, it’s fundamentally important to keep moving. On the one hand, because enemies have the opportunity to attack you to drive you out of cover, if it is available. On the other hand, because you only regain health from hits and enemies killed.

The cover is always good for a little breather, then you throw yourself into the middle of the action. You dive from side to side, throwing off a few shots here and there, unleashing your special attacks and dodging enemy attacks. Which can often turn into stressful situations, especially if you’re playing alone. But honestly? This constant attention, this level of stress, it’s all done quite well. The fights are intense and no picnic, challenging but all the more satisfying when you survive it all and bag the loot at the end. Combat in Worldslayer is still as good as it was in the base game.

More power for your character

Even better than there. New skills take care of that. There are no additional classes, it stays with the four known ones. But each of them has received new skills. On top of that there are ascent points and pax trees, both of which unlock additional skills or improve your basic values ​​bit by bit. Which is sorely needed given the new Apocalypse difficulty levels. Along with that comes a ton of new gear that you can get here. These apocalypse items have a third slot for mods, so are even more powerful.

In the end, that’s exactly a motto that fits well with Worldslayer. More of everything. And honestly, it doesn’t need more than that. I’ve had my fun with Outriders for a while longer than I thought I would. Worldslayer has exactly the same appeal, and for those who want it, offers the ability to dwell on new endgame content for a long time to max out all the new skill trees. Everyone else who simply wants an action-packed story, can be entertained by it for several hours and then maybe wants to continue playing for a little longer is served just as well.

By the way, you don’t have to have played Outriders for Worldslayer. While it is sold bundled with the base game, you can jump right in with a level 30 powered hero or heroine if you wish. Of course, you are less well-rehearsed and familiar than with a character you previously accompanied through the first adventure. But it works, I’ve tried it.

To make it short, suffice it to repeat what I wrote at the beginning: If you enjoyed Outriders and want more of it, you won’t go wrong with Worldslayer. The final test with impressions of the new and repeatable endgame content “Trial of Tarya Gratar” is coming soon.

Outriders Worldslayer will be released on June 30, 2022. Pre-orders will start on June 28, 2022. You get Worldslayer as an upgrade for the base game, as well as in combination with Outriders when you are new to the game.

The post First impressions of Outriders Worldslayer: I want more power, more loot, more B-Movie appeared first on Gamingsym.