
Is everyone ready to start the next PvE challenge where you can’t change your weapon loadout? Does anyone have Void with them? Solar? Arc? Hey, I want to play with Stasis though… No, you can’t come if you don’t go to Solar!

One or the other Destiny 2 fan still knows such conversations. You want to play a loadout-locked PvE content in peace and then there is an opponent perk combination in a dungeon or strike that would be best played with Stasis, for example. However, many enemies at the target location have elemental shields that apply to all light elements, such as Arc, Solar, and Void.

Because it feels like forever to break down these elemental shields with projectiles that don’t belong to the respective elemental type, you always want to have a shooting iron in the weapon loadout that matches the shield. Actually. Inaccurately, the Destiny 2 fans of Mein-MMO may have found a solution for you that makes attuned elemental weapons obsolete. Take a look, they explain the weapon perk Adaptive Munition!

The post Destiny 2: Adaptive Munitions – the hot shit against elemental shields appeared first on Gamingsym.