
The young man and the square dance aunt quarreled and used the retreat to retreat on the hot search netizens to laugh: use magic to defeat magic

On June 27th, a friend of Mr. Yu from Huizhou, Guangdong, and a square dance aunt used Internet hotspots“Back Back” Quarrelwhich makes people shout “defeat magic with magic”.

Mr. Yu said that they were skateboarding in the square, and the aunt scolded her friend for no reason. The two quarreled like this, and finally the aunt left to dance.

According to classmate Deng, who was involved, he skated on the square that night and slid past the aunt. He didn’t bump into anyone, but the aunt started cursing, “insulting my mother”. fight back. “Actually, I have no ill intentions. I still respect the old man very much, but at the time, she was angry and she kept scolding me. In the end, my aunt stopped talking and continued to dance.”

Retreat, Internet buzzword, originated from a video in 2021: A man couldn’t find a parking space in the community, and saw a hawker who was occupying a street and set up a stall collapsed in an instant, and then had a dispute with the aunt who set up the stall, Unexpectedly, Aunt’s magical attack completely stunned the man.

The aunt used the man’s long-lost heirloom secret technique for a lifetime ~ “fencing method”: “Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!” Successfully repelled the man…

The young man and the square dance aunt quarreled and used the retreat to retreat on the hot search netizens to laugh: use magic to defeat magic

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: square dance play terrier boy

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