
Here comes a trailer for Paper Girlsa new TV series that will begin airing on Amazon Prime Video next month.

IN Paper Girls four 12-year-old girls from 1989 happen to embark on a time journey 30 years into the future. There they meet, among other things, the adult versions of themselves while at the same time saving the world from an existential threat.

Paper Girls begins airing on Amazon Prime Video July 29.

Film & TV, Amazon,

paper girls, amazon prime video, time travel, time travelers, scifi, fantasy

Paper Girls
Few hours after 1988 Halloween night, four 12-year-old girls have to face a mission. Trapped in a complicated conflict, they will travel in time to save the world.

Actor: Sofia Rosinsky, Fina Strazza, Riley Lai Nelet
Premiere: 29 Jul 2022

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