
This is an AIO pack (yes one more) like the Deepsea project for example. It was made by myself in collaboration with @nightwolf and it relies heavily on the SD preparation feature of my Ultimate-Switch-Hack-Script for its creation.

This pack is compatible with all Switch models and contains everything you need to run on the latest firmware. This pack also includes the most useful payloads/modules/homebrews in our opinion and both Atmosphere and Hekate are optimized and configured to simplify the procedures for the user (sig_patches in place, USB3 activated, 90dns protection via dns_mitm activated, Incognito activated by software, etc.).




To install this pack on your SD, just go to the Github releases page (see the download link below) then follow the instructions given afterwards. The installation includes a first stage in which the SD is cleaned of useless or problematic files via a batch script and the second stage consists of just an extraction of a self-extracting archive at the root of the SD.

To know the contents of this pack you can go to see the project readme and for the download it’s on this page that’s happening.

PS: The pack contains some advanced elements such as the Prodinfo_gen payload for example, but keep in mind that this pack is also made to simplify user assistance in the event of a problem by directly providing the appropriate tools.


The post [Switch] Switch_AIO_LS_pack 1.0.3 released appeared first on Gamingsym.