
The Nazi swastika is a representation of the swastika used as a symbol by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Using it for everything, they even created one with trees.

In 1992, a member of a German landscaping company took aerial shots of the forests of Brandenburg, north of Berlin. His mission: to identify irrigation lines, as reported Der Spiegel.

In the middle of hundreds of pines in the town of Zernikow, he stopped on a surprising group of trees: about 140 larches formed a brown swastika 60 meters wide, right in the middle of the forest. These trees were planted in the 1930s. Being the only ones to lose their needles in winter, they make the Nazi emblem appear a few weeks a year, when they have a yellow or brown color among the pines.

To prevent this place from becoming a place of neo-Nazi pilgrimages, 40 trees were felled in 1995. But, five years later, the pattern is still visible. The Minister of Agriculture of Brandenburg decides to cut down all the trees. However, a conflict over forest ownership stands in their way, as reported CNN. 25 larches are finally cut on December 4, 2000 so that the trees never form a swastika again.

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