AppSync は AWS が提供するマネージド GraphQL サービスです。Amplify と統合することにより、スキーマさえ宣言すれば GraphQL の Query, Mutation, Subscription コードを自動生成します。バックエンド GraphQL エンドポイントやデータソースを構築し、即座に動く環境が手に入ります。 こちら は過去の記事ですが、リア…
Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support
Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support Loading… We initially launched Cloudflare Workers with support for JavaScript and languages that compile to WebAssembly, such as Rust, C, and C++. Since then, Cloudflare and the community have improved the usability of Typescript on Workers. B…
GitHub – hwayne/awesome-cold-showers: For when people get too hyped up about things
Awesome Cold Showers It’s great when people get excited about things, but sometimes they get a little too excited. This an awesome (rigorous and respectful) and curated (I read every suggestion and make judgement calls) list of cold showers on overhyped topics. This does not mean the enthusiasm i…
Home | CloudPing – AWS Latency Monitoring
Latency: < 100ms 100-180ms > 180ms All times are in milliseconds. All times are round trip ping times.
なお、地名数がゼロの地図は他の地図の拡大版のため、今のところ作業予定はありません。 データセット 江戸マップβ版の地名をまとめて利用するためのデータセットを以下に公開しています。 江戸マップデータセット 江戸マップデータセットは、GeoNLPの地名辞書形式に合わせて作成しており、GeoLODからも検索できます。詳…
GitHub – maxgoedjen/secretive: Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
Secretive Secretive is an app for storing and managing SSH keys in the Secure Enclave. It is inspired by the sekey project, but rewritten in Swift with no external dependencies and with a handy native management app. Why? Safer Storage The most common setup for SSH keys is just keeping them on di…
Focus To-Do – Pomodoro Technique & Tasks
Be focused and make things easier. Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage tasks anywhere and anytime, and helps you to perform tasks efficiently. Millions of users around the world use our application and have gained efficiency. Based on the Po…