【やじうまPC Watch】 キャプテン・アメリカの俳優がようやくiPhone 6sを卒業し話題に
実は隠せてない。iPhoneの「写真」アプリでハイライトペンを使わないで | ライフハッカー[日本版]
機械翻訳などiPhone向けのAI(人工知能)を強化している米Apple(アップル)だが、同社は2022年6月に開催した開発者会議「WWDC 2022」に合わせて、興味深い事実を明らかにした。iPhoneで稼働するアップル製AIの多くは、ライバルである米Google(グーグル)のTransformerベースだったのだ。 Transformerは「自己注意機構…
Details of the second beta update of iOS 16 revealed: Apple makes the lock screen more personalized to improve performance
iOS 16 second beta update details revealed: Apple makes the lock screen more personalized to improve performance Although the official version is still early, Apple […]
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The iPhone was recovered after 10 months of falling into the river: a pleasant surprise after turning it on
Many people’s mobile phones have been dropped into water, some burned directly, and some can be used for a few days. But if you say […]
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Check out whirlwinds on Mars. NASA talks a bit about winds on the red planet.
Here is a clip where NASA tells a little more about the different types of wind conditions that prevail on Mars and how to study […]
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Samsung shows off sensor of 200 megapixels. Their smallest so far.
Samsung Electronics has introduced a new 200-megapixel sensor with the smallest pixels to date, which will allow phone manufacturers to keep their phones as thin […]
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The Swedish Board of Agriculture is developing systems for registering cats. Next year, cats must be registered in the same way as dogs.
From 1 January next year, cat owners must register their cats in a state register, much like dog owners must do with their dogs today. […]
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iPhone「カメラ」と「ライト」の誤作動問題。ヤンキーにカラまれたケースも | 日刊SPA!
ふとスマホを取り出して操作しようとしたところ、つけた覚えのない「ライトが点灯」していたり、なぜか「カメラモード」になっていたり……そんな経験がある人は少なくないだろう。 日本人が所有するスマホの約半数近くを占めるApple社製「iPhone」(MMD研究所調べ、5月13日発表)。近年発売されたものでは、スリープ状態…
It is really not recommended to recharge the mobile phone when the power is exhausted: the lithium battery can be charged as needed!
How often do you charge your phone? Early this morning, a topic #really not recommended to run out of mobile phone power and recharge# rushed […]
The post It is really not recommended to recharge the mobile phone when the power is exhausted: the lithium battery can be charged as needed! appeared first on Gamingsym.