Google has responded to last week’s rumors that it may sunset its Stadia gaming service this year: “Stadia is not shutting down,” the official Stadia Twitter account told a concerned fan in a tweet spotted by PC Gamer. “Rest assured we’re always workin…
ASUS 筆電特賣,14、15.6 吋 VivoBook S 均以 US$590 發售
這次為大家帶來的 ASUS 筆電規格比較完整的 Windows 筆電,不管是用來工作還是娛樂都可以滿足你的需求。
An e-bike sharing company co-founded by Usain Bolt appears to have shut down
An e-bike- and scooter-sharing startup co-founded by Olympian Usain Bolt appears to have shut down operations, highlighting recent problems in the micromobility sector, TechCrunch has reported. Bolt Mobility was present in around five cities including …
Poco 在台推出 F4、X4 GT 與 C40 三款新「玩家」機種
在父親節前夕,Poco 今天為台灣帶來了 F4、X4 GT 與 C40 三款新機種。
Apple’s App Store homepage will soon feature ads
Apple has famously bragged that it will never invade your privacy to serve ads, but it does have an ad business on its App Store and elsewhere. The company is now expanding that business by adding a new ad slot to its “Today” homepage tab and on indivi…
小米也出了款眼鏡相機,募資價 2,499 人民幣,但這造型感覺很難戴出門吧…
Google 澄清不會關停 Stadia 遊戲服務
一個匿名消息所指 Google 將會在今年年底把他們的 Stadia 遊戲服務關停,引起了不少關注。消息不光是傳到官方的耳中,更叫得他們主動澄清闢謠。
BioLite adds portable power stations and a solar array to its charging lineup
After years of providing off-the-grid camping, cooking and pocketable charger tech, BioLite has moved further into the genre with its newest and more robust power-backup solutions. The company just announced the BaseCharge 600 and BaseCharge 1500 porta…
負責將問天實驗艙運載升空的長征五號 B 型火箭,稍早於印度洋上空不受控地回返大氣層,並且未焚毀的殘骸約略散佈在菲律賓巴拉望島附近海域。