Just six months after its last flagship launch, Xiaomi has announced another one. The Xiaomi 12S Ultra packs a massive one-inch, 50.3-megapixel Sony IMX989 main sensor. And unlike the Sony Xperia Pro-I, the Xiaomi 12S Ultra apparently uses the entirety…
Geely buys majority stake in troubled phone maker Meizu
Chinese car giant Geely has purchased a majority stake in the now-small smartphone maker Meizu. Bloomberg reports that Meizu will be run as an independent company under Xingli Technology, another tech brand under Geely’s umbrella. That said, the pair a…
The latest Apple TV 4K is $150 right now
With so many streaming services now available, finding the right box or dongle to view them on can be a challenge. Apple’s own streamer, the uniquely-named Apple TV, is one of the best on the market, but its price can often put people off. With Prime Day just days away, Amazon has dropped the price of both the 32GB and 64GB models, dropping them by $29 to $150 and $170, respectively. That’s not quite the low of $130 we saw last month for the 32GB version, but it’s a great price nonetheless.
Buy 2021 Apple TV 4K (32GB) at Amazon – $150Buy 2021 Apple TV 4K (64GB) at Amazon – $170
Devindra Hardawar gave the 2021 Apple TV 4K a score of 90 in our review. The new model irons out some of the kinks from what was already a powerful media box. The updated remote is a lot more intuitive in the hand and the beefier A12 Bionic chip delivers both HDR video at 60 frames per second (if the content you’re playing supports it) and better game performance.
If it’s just basic streaming you’re after, the Apple TV is expensive compared to Google’s Chromecast, Amazon’s Fire TV and Roku’s range of media players. However, if you’re already invested in Apple’s ecosystem and want one of the best streamers available at its second-lowest price ever, now might be time to pull the trigger.
Get the latest Amazon Prime Day offers by following @EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribing to the Engadget Deals newsletter.
有駭客聲稱盜取了涉及十億中國公民資訊的警方數據,被公開的小部分數據樣本中有的甚至可以追溯到 1995 年。
8 折入手 Samsung T7 Touch 可攜式 SSD,指紋辨識加強保護 | Amazon Prime Day 2022
Samsung 在 Amazon 上是大熱品牌,尤其是 SSD 類的產品更是每當優惠就能吸引大家一窩蜂前去購買。而在 Prime Day 前,Samsung 亦有推出部份產品折扣,讓趕著買的讀書可以先行入手。
可選 4K OLED 的新款小米筆記本 Pro 登場
可選 4K OLED 的新款小米筆記本 Pro 登場,同時到來的還有三頻 Mesh 路由器組合。
小米 12S 系列也想靠 Leica 實現「顛覆式」影像升級
小米 12S 系列也想靠 Leica 實現「顛覆式」影像升級,其中小米 12S Ultra 採用了 50.3MP 的 1 英寸感光器。
Xiaomi 12S Ultra has a Leica camera with a massive 1-inch sensor
Merely six months after its previous flagship launch, today Xiaomi announced a trio of familiar-looking smartphones to mark the beginning of its partnership with Leica. The new 12S Series features MIUI 13 based on Android 12, and it runs on Qualcomm’s …
主打 60MP 自拍相機的華為 Nova 10 系列亮相
主打 60MP 自拍相機的華為 Nova 10 系列亮相,一同亮相的還有 Watch Fit 2 手錶和 Huawei Tag 追蹤器。
Apple Watch Series 8 的體溫偵測功能,似乎跟一般體溫計的用法不一樣
在 iPhone 14 以外,外界也期待其他 Apple 產品會一併獲得更新,包括是功能愈變強勁的 Apple Watch。