
If mobile gamers have little taste for the micro-transactions that publishers fill their free-to-play games with, we have to believe that the techniques implemented to make them spit at the bassinet work. In-app purchases accounted for $831 million in the second quarter for Activision Blizzard: that’s half of the company’s revenue ($1.6 billion), and more than PC and console gaming activities!

The video game giant, in the process of being acquired by Microsoft, made $332 million with its PC games, and $367 million with console game sales. With a turnover of 684 million, the King studio is the real king (do you have it?) of the group’s quarterly accounts. Candy Crush and consorts account for 42% of Activision’s total sales (!), a real sweet cash cow.

Diablo Immortal has also been a major contributor to the good fortune of the company’s mobile business. At the end of July, two months after its release, the hack’n slash would have already exceeded 100 million dollars. Call of Duty Mobile is also continuing its momentum: launched in October 2019, the shooter would have accumulated 1.5 billion dollars! Suffice to say that we have not finished seeing free-to-play games on the iPhone.

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