孫正義の借金はもう限界 米国の利上げで今後もっと苦しくなる(文春オンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース
米国の利上げで今後もっと苦しくなる。投資銀行家・神谷秀樹氏による「孫正義の借金はもう限界」(「文藝春秋」2022年7月号)を一部転載します。 【写真】この記事の写真を見る(3枚) ◆ ◆ ◆ ソフトバンクグループの米国預託証券は、昨年2月に47ドルと最高値を付けていたが、この5月には最安値が17ドル割れと約3分の1ま…
金融DX大戦 金融業界がデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)の大波にさらされている。デジタル技術によって金融と非金融の境界線は薄れ、銀行・保険・証券の金融機関はいや応なく変革を迫られている。DXが伝統的なビジネスモデルを変え、銀行員らの出世や働き方を変える。変われない金融機関の未来には、敗戦あるのみ…
サキノハカ on Twitter: “ところでなんとなく水子地蔵について調べたら、近代に至るまで日本には堕胎した子供を供養する風習は基本的になく、水子供養は商業化した寺院によって1970年代に作られ、マーケットとなったという歴史があることがわかり、「そんなに最近なの!?」と驚くと同時に面白くて興奮しています。”
Meta has reportedly barred employees from discussing abortion on internal channels
Meta has told employees not to discuss the Supreme Court’s recent ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to The New York Times. Pointing to a May 12th memo it shared after a draft of Friday’s decision was leaked by Politico, the company has deleted …
Court OKs lawsuit by woman who says she helped create Pinterest
Pinterest must now face a lawsuit from a former friend of one of its founders who claims she helped create the platform. Bloombergreported that Alameda County Superior Court Judge Richard Seabolt on Thursday denied the company’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Christine Martinez, the plaintiff, claims she was asked by co-founder Ben Silbermann to help revive the app. The digital market strategist claims to have developed features tied to Pinterest’s Boards and created a marketing plan to enlist bloggers to promote the platform, among other contributions.
Martinez filed a lawsuit against the company in September, and Pinterest filed the motion to dismiss in December. The company argued that Martinez’s claims are too old to fall within the statute of limitations. Seabolt disagreed with this and said Martinez “sufficiently alleges” that she and the Pinterest founders agreed to deferred compensation. Pinterest went public in 2019, an event that Seabolt deemed “transformative” and in his view sealed the company’s obligation to pay Martinez.
In a statement to Engadget, Pinterest’s chief communications officer LeMia Jenkins Thompson noted that the court dismissed several of Martinez’s claims. Thompson also stated that, “as the facts come out, we are confident the evidence will confirm that Plaintiff’s claims are meritless and that the rest of this baseless lawsuit should be dismissed.”
According to the New York Times, Martinez was never formally employed at nor did she ever sign a written contract with the San Francisco-based company. Instead, Martinez argues that the agreement was implied, based on her discussions with Sciarra and Silbermann.
Martinez, who is a former lifestyle blogger and founder of an eccomerce startup, told the Times she was eager to help friends. “[…The Pinterest co-founders] had no marketing background or expertise in creating a product for women.”
地方の鉄道どうなるの? 「上下分離」やバス代替も
「人口が減少するなかで、地方のローカル鉄道の経営が大変だそうだね」「赤字で存続が危ぶまれているみたいだけど、地域住民の足はどう確保すればいいのかしら」 地方の鉄道の状況についてバーチャルキャラクターの名瀬加奈さんと日比学くんが谷隆徳編集委員に聞きました。 名瀬さん「ローカル鉄道の赤字が膨らんでいる…
Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick gets to keep his board seat
Bobby Kotick will get to keep his seat on Activision Blizzard’s board of directors despite catching flak over the alleged role he played in creating the company’s toxic workplace culture. At the video game developers’ annual meeting of stockholders, investors voted on several proposals, as well as who gets to be on the company’s board of directors over the next year. A total of 533,703,580 shareholders have voted to keep Kotick on the board, while on 62,597,199 have voted against it. As GameInformer notes, that means he gets to keep his seat until the next meeting in 2023.
Activision Blizzard employees walked out of their jobs last year and called for Kotick’s resignation after The Wall Street Journal reported that the CEO knew about the worst instances of abuse in the company and even protected the employees accused of harassment. If you’ll recall, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing sued the publisher in July 2021 for allegedly fostering a “frat boy” culture. The California agency investigated the company over the course of two years and found that women working for Activision Blizzard were paid less than their male counterparts and were subjected to constant sexual harassment.
More recently, the New York City Employees’ Retirement System sued Kotick, calling him unfit to negotiate the company’s pending sale to Microsoft due to his “personal responsibility and liability for Activision’s broken workplace.” NYC’s retirement system represents the city’s police, teachers and firefighters and owns Activision Blizzard stock. The company named a new chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer in April to help the company have a more inclusive workplace. In response, a group of employees aiming to protect workers from discrimination formed a committee to outline a list of demands for Kotick and the new chief diversity officer.
While majority of the shareholders have chosen to keep Kotick on the board, they also approved a plan to release an annual public report detailing how Activision handles any sexual harassment and gender discrimination dispute. The report must also detail how the company is preventing these incidents from happening and what it’s doing to reduce the length of time it takes to resolve them.
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サッポロ、米クラフトビール会社を買収へ 生産拠点に
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら サッポロホールディングス(HD)が米クラフトビールメーカーのストーンブリューイングを買収することがわかった。米国などで人気が高まっているクラフト市場を開拓する…