リファクタリングはエンジニアの福利厚生であり管理指標への影響はほとんどないんでは – きしだのHatena

おそらくリファクタリングの工数を確保する説得力のある材料がほしくて、リファクタリングの効果をどう示すか悩んでる人がいたのですが、リファクタリングって非開発者に示せるような数字だすのは難しいよねという結論になったので、そのまとめ。 工数としてはコード管理費みたいな感じで乗せるのがよさそう。 まず、リ…

ソフトバンクG、アリババ株一部売却 関連会社から除外(写真=ロイター)


楽天モバイル、0円廃止で契約数23万件減 初のマイナス

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 楽天モバイルは10日、自社回線サービスの契約数が6月時点で477万件と4月時点から約23万件減少したと発表した。契約数の減少は2020年に携帯事業に本格参入してから初め…

US Justice Department is reportedly poised to sue Google over its digital ad dominance

Google may soon be facing its second antitrust lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice. According to Bloomberg, the DOJ is gearing up to sue the tech giant as soon as September after a year of looking into whether it’s been using its dominant position to illegally control the digital ad market. The Justice Department’s lawyers have reportedly been conducting another round of interviews to glean additional information that could help make their case stronger. These new interviews are expected to build on previous ones conducted much earlier on in the investigation. 

The Justice Department first filed an antitrust lawsuit against the company back in 2020, accusing it of having an unfair monopoly over search and search-related advertising. For that particular case, the agency argued that forcing Android phone manufacturers to set Google as the default search engine prevents rivals from gaining traction and ensures that the company will earn an enormous amount of money from search-related advertising. 

In the same year, Texas filed a multi-state lawsuit against Google, with the state’s Attorney General accusing the company of using its “monopolistic power to control” ad pricing. The company’s ad practices are under scrutiny not just in the US but in other parts of the world: The European Commission also opened a probe to look into whether Google limits rival services’ access to user data for ad purposes last year. As a concession to the EU’s concerns, Reuters reported in June that Google may let rival ad platforms run ads on YouTube.

While the DOJ has yet to officially file its case, Google spokesperson Peter Schottenfels defended the company’s ad business in a statement to Bloomberg, which says: “Our advertising technologies help websites and apps fund their content, and enable small businesses to reach customers around the world. The enormous competition in online advertising has made online ads more relevant, reduced ad tech fees, and expanded options for publishers and advertisers.”

心理的安全性がありそうに見えるだけの作られ方 – フジイユウジ::ドットネット

今日もSlackでBizDevチームの成果がド派手に報告された。 祝いのスタンプやマッチョな腕のスタンプ、クラッカーのスタンプがド派手に並び、イカれたオウムのスタンプが景気よく震え「凄い!!!!」「◯◯さんのおかげです!!」「ヤッター」という仲間からの称賛リブライが並ぶ。 毎週のようにSlackに勢いのある報告が積み上げ…

バイデン米大統領、国内での半導体製造・開発支援法案に署名 対象企業に520億ドル(約7兆円)

ジョー・バイデン米大統領は8月9日(現地時間)、米国内での半導体の製造と開発を支援する超党派法案「CHIPS and Science Act」に署名し、新法が成立した。対象企業に520億ドル(約7兆円)を投じることなどが盛り込まれている。 向こう5年間、米国内に半導体工場を誘致する補助金として390億ドルを投じる。「Science」に…

米で中国対抗半導体法が成立、バイデン氏署名 「一世一代の投資」

[ワシントン 9日 ロイター] – バイデン米大統領は9日、中国に対する競争力向上を目指す国内半導体産業支援法案に署名し、同法が成立した。バイデン大統領は署名式で「米国への一世一代の投資」とし、「未来は米国で作られるようになる」と言明した。 同法には国内半導体製造に対する約520億ドルの政府補助金のほか…

South Korea to investigate Apple, Google over possible in-app payment violations

Apple and Google are already facing scrutiny in the wake of a South Korean law requiring that they allow third-party payments. Reutersreports the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) will investigate Apple, Google and SK Group’s One Store over potential violations of the in-app payment law. Regulators said they started inspecting the digital shops on May 17th, and found enough to be concerned all three might have broken the rules.

It’s not certain just how the firms might have violated the law. MacRumorsnoted that a delay in communicating changes might have played a role in Apple’s case. While the law (a revision of the Telecommunications Business Act) took effect in March, Apple didn’t notify developers until late June. Google alerted Android developers in November of last year.

Both companies still take cuts from purchases made using alternative billing systems — they just take smaller portions. When Google announced its policy change, it maintained that it needed fees to “continue to invest” in Android and the Play Store. It’s not clear if these policies play any role in the investigation, however.

We’ve asked Apple and Google for comment. In a statement to Reuters, Google said it would continue cooperating with the KCC and that it had “worked closely” with both the government and developers to comply with the law.

The law allows for fines as high as two percent of the average yearly revenue for related business. Officials didn’t set expectations for possible fines, but the stores are major money generators. Apple, for example, paid developers $60 billion worldwide in 2021 and made a tidy profit for itself through fees on those sales. Even if South Korea only considered revenue earned within its borders to be actionable for fines, this could still lead to steep penalties if the KCC finds any violations.