
米Amazonは8月5日(米国時間)、ロボット掃除機の「ルンバ」で知られる米iRobotを買収すると発表した。買収総額はiRobotの負債を含め約17億ドル(約2200億円)。 AmazonがiRobot株1株あたり61ドルで買収する。iRobotのコリン・アングル会長兼CEOは買収後もCEOにとどまる。 コリン・アングルCEOは「AmazonとiRobotは、人…

Amazon、「ルンバ」のアイロボット買収 2300億円

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ニューヨーク=堀田隆文】米インターネット通販最大手のアマゾン・ドット・コムは5日、ロボット掃除機「ルンバ」の米アイロボットを買収すると発表した。買収額は負債…

スシロー、純利益を下方修正 おとり広告で客足遠のく(共同通信) – Yahoo!ニュース

回転ずし大手「スシロー」を運営するフード&ライフカンパニーズは4日、2022年9月期の連結業績予想を修正し、純利益を従来の87億円から30億円に引き下げた。消費者庁が景品表示法違反(おとり広告)で再発防止を求める措置命令を出した影響で、客足が遠のいたのが要因という。 売上高予想は従来の2950億円から2800億円に…

Report: Apple retaliated against women who complained about misconduct

The Financial Times has published a lengthy report saying that Apple has fostered a culture of apathy toward reports of employee misconduct, and has actively retaliated against staff members who complained about colleagues, including those who reported incidents of sexual assault. If accurate, the allegations are at odds with the image of inclusiveness that Apple projects, and cast a pall on the real progress it has made in boosting its workforce diversity. 

Multiple women described filing complaints with Apple’s human resources department over sexual abuse, bullying and other incidents. Former employee Megan Mohr complained that a colleague removed her bra and clothes while she was asleep and took photos of her after a platonic night out. However, the HR representative called the experience “a minor traffic accident.”

“Although what he did was reprehensible as a person and potentially criminal, as an Apple employee he hasn’t violated any policy in the context of his Apple work,” Apple’s HR department said in an email seen by FT. “And because he hasn’t violated any policy we will not prevent him seeking employment opportunities that are aligned with his goals and interests.” 

An Apple Store Genius employee complained about two instances of serious sexual assault including being raped, and said HR treated her not as a victim, but as the problem. “I was told [the alleged rapist] went on a ‘career experience’ for six months and they said: ‘maybe you’ll be better by the time he’s back?” She requested a transfer but it was declined, and she still works at the same store. 

IP attorney Margaret Anderson complained of a “toxic work environment” and “gaslighting,” and said a male vice-president wanted to fire her, citing false allegations that predated her arrival at Apple. HR reportedly ignored a document she created refuting the allegations.

Employees have also complained about Apple suppressing worker organizing and blocking Slack channels used by employees to complain about bad managers and pay inequity. Software engineer Cher Scarlett said Apple retaliated after she filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The company offered her a $213,000 severance package, but she refused to sign it because Apple demanded she hand over a letter sent to the NLRB that included the names of other employees. 

That’s their playbook. Offer me enough money to pay off my lawyers and debt, and they wanted a list of people to retaliate against. How do I talk about how egregious that truly is?

She accepted the deal when Apple withdrew the demand, but was forced to pull the NLRB complaint. However, she intentionally broke the agreement when Apple sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) saying it “supports the rights of its employees and contractors to speak freely.” Scarlett then showed her exit arrangement to the media, which led to eight US state treasurers asking the SEC to investigate “whether or not Apple misled the Commission and investors.” 

The highest profile complaint was from Jayne Whitt, a director in Apple’s legal department. She told HR that a colleague hacked her devices and threatened her life, with the expectation that the complaint would be handled seriously. Instead, the employee investigative division said Whitt “failed to act in a professional and work appropriate manner” during their meeting, at a time when Whitt “said she was begging for help and reliving trauma,” the FT wrote. 

She subsequently posted a 2,800 word essay on the whistleblower platform The Lioness describing the situation, prompting an outpouring of support from Apple employees. However, Apple proceeded to fire her based on what she called an “irrelevant” six-year-old indiscretion. 

Whitt is now challenging Apple legally, and said the Slack channels on gender-pay disparity helped open her eyes. “I was disadvantaged — this is how women struggle,” she said. “Had these stories [on Slack] not been coming out, I would not have been compelled to do the right thing, to blow up my career.”

Apple told The Financial Times in a statement that it works hard to thoroughly investigate misconduct allegations and strives to create “an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any issues.” However, it acknowledged not having always met those ideals. “There are some accounts raised that do not reflect our intentions or our policies and we should have handled them differently, including certain exchanges reported in this story. As a result, we will make changes to our training and processes.” It wouldn’t comment on specific cases “out of respect for the privacy of the individuals involved.” 

Google is making it easier to find and support Asian-owned businesses

Google is making it easier for people to find and support Asian-owned businesses in their communities. Starting today, US merchants can now add an “Asian-owned” label to a verified Google business profile, which will appear in Search and Maps queries.

The move is part of Google’s efforts to support historically marginalized communities. It previously rolled out labels for Black-owned, Latino-owned, veteran-owned, women-owned and LGBTQ+ owned businesses. 

In addition, the company says its Grow with Google initiative, along with the non-profit US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce, will help another 10,000 Asian-owned small businesses learn digital skills. To date, they’ve assisted more than 20,000 Asian-owned businesses with workshops on things like e-commerce, analytics-driven decisions and design.

複数のモバイルSuicaがJRE POINTに登録可能に アプリなどのリニューアルに伴い

JR東日本は、複数のモバイルSuicaを「JRE POINT」に登録できるようになると案内している。 これは、JRE POINTのWebサイトとアプリのリニューアルに伴うもので、リニューアル後はシンプルなデザインに一新される。 大きなポイントとなるのがSuica関連のアップデートだ。スマートフォンの2台持ちなど、複数のモバイルSuica…




参入しやすいものの、生き残りは厳しい飲食業。日本政策金融公庫総合研究所が発表している「新規開業パネル調査」でも、「飲食店、宿泊業」は業種別で最多の廃業率となっている。それゆえ「脱サラして飲食」という選択は安易に薦められないものの、中には夢をかなえ、自分の店を守り続けている人もいる。 そこで「脱会社…