Apple 與 Koss 和解無線耳機專利糾紛,不知這一結果會對 Koss 指控 Bose、Skullcandy、JLab、Plantronics 侵權的案子造成什麼影響。
Apple and Koss settle dispute over wireless headphone patents
Apple and Koss have ended their feud over wireless headphone patents shortly before trial. As Reutersnotes, the two told a Waco, Texas-based federal court on Saturday that they had reached a settlement over Koss’ claims Apple had infringed on patents for wireless audio technology. The terms of the settlement haven’t been disclosed, but the two firms said they made peace on “all matters in controversy.” The trial was supposed to have started today.
Koss sued Apple, Bose, JLab, Plantronics and Skullcandy in 2020 over allegations wireless earbuds and headphones like AirPods were copying technology from the Striva line of WiFi audio devices. In filing the lawsuit, Koss argued that rivals were “catching up” to its early work and needed to pay compensation. Apple countersued, arguing that Koss’ patents were invalid.
Lawsuits against Bose, Skullcandy and others are still pending. While it’s unclear if those cases will move forward in light of this settlement, there’s little doubt that Apple and Koss were eager to avoid a courtroom fight.
We’ve asked Apple and Koss for comment and will update if we hear back.
T-Mobile will pay $350 million to settle lawsuits over massive data breach
If you were a T-Mobile customer in August 2021, you may get a few dollars from the carrier in the near future. It has agreed to settle a consolidated class action lawsuit filed against the company over a data breach that exposed the personal information of 76.6 million “current, former and prospective customers.” Back when T-Mobile’s CEO, Mike Sievert, admitted and apologized for the breach, the carrier said the individual who hacked its network used “specialized” tools and knowledge of its infrastructure in order to gain access to its testing environment. That individual then stole customer data from the network and sold them on hacker forums.
The type of information that the bad actor sold varies per person, but it could include the name, birth date and social security number for each individual. T-Mobile got in touch with people affected by the data leak shortly after it came to light and offered them two free years of access to McAfee’s ID Theft Protection Service. Now, they’re also getting monetary compensation, though it will likely be a few dollars at most. While the $350 million settlement may sound substantial, a huge chunk of that amount will go towards paying off legal fees. The rest will be divided among tens of millions of affected customers. According to the SEC filing spotted by GeekWire, the company will also spend $150 million on data security technologies throughout this year and the next.
The settlement still has to be approved by the court. But if it does, it will “resolve substantially all of the claims brought by the company’s current, former and prospective customers who were impacted by the 2021 cyberattack.” You can read the full proposed settlement here.
銅の価格 “ドクター・カッパー”が世界経済の変調をいち早く診断? | NHK
ロシアによるウクライナへの軍事侵攻が長期化し、欧米や中国の景気減速も懸念されるなか、世界経済の先行きはますます見通しにくくなっています。 こうしたなか景気の先行きを占ううえで注目されるのが「カッパー」。 もちろん、きゅうりが大好きなあの妖怪ではありません。 Copper=銅のことです。 世界経済の変調をい…
「左利き用トランプあります」海外からも客◆身近な不便に応えた店主の思い【時事ドットコム取材班】 :時事ドットコム
菊屋浦上商事で販売されている左利き用商品の一部。トランプは四隅に数字とマークが記されている=2022年7月9日、相模原市 相模原市に、左利きの人向けの商品を数多く取り扱っている文具店がある。棚に並んだ商品はおよそ100種類。評判を聞いて海外から客が訪れることもあるというが、日本人の多くは右利きな上…
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日銀 大規模金融緩和策維持 賃金上昇伴う物価上昇実現できるか | NHK
日銀が21日まで開いた金融政策決定会合で今の大規模な金融緩和策の維持を決めた一方、ヨーロッパ中央銀行は11年ぶりの利上げを決めました。 欧米との金融政策のスタンスの違いが改めて鮮明となり、一段と円安が進むという見方もある中で、日銀が目指す賃金の上昇を伴った形での物価上昇が実現できるかが今後の焦点となり…
「ジョナサン」店内で暴力事件 肋骨骨折も「勉強になったな」「また折られてえのか?」(今野晴貴) – 個人 – Yahoo!ニュース
パワハラ防止法施行の一方で、業界最大手で横行していた暴力・暴言 今年4月、職場のパワーハラスメントに関して「画期的」な法律が施行された。パワハラ防止法の適用対象が拡大され、2020年6月から大企業にのみ課されていたパワハラ防止措置の義務が、国内の全企業にまで広がったのだ。 それにもかかわらず、筆者が代…
Ford is reportedly planning to cut 8,000 jobs to help fund its EV plans
Ford is reportedly planning to cut up to 8,000 jobs over the coming weeks in an effort to fund its plans to build EVs, according to Bloomberg. The layoffs would occur at its Ford Blue unit, recently created to develop vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE), and would affect other salaried positions in the company. The bulk of cuts are expected to occur in the US.
In March, Ford CEO Jim Farley restructured the company, dividing it into the Ford Blue and Model E divisions, with the latter dedicated to electric cars and pickups like the Mach E and F150 Lightning. As part of that, he announced plans to cut $3 billion in costs by 2026, with the aim of transforming Ford Blue into “the profit and cash engine” for the entire company.
“As part of this, we have laid out clear targets to lower our cost structure to ensure we are lean and fully competitive with the best in the industry,” Ford’s CCO Mark Truby told Bloomberg in a statement, without revealing more details about the cuts. Ford currently employees around 31,000 salaried US workers.
In March, the automaker announced plans to boost electric vehicle spending to $50 billion and plan to build two million EVs by 2026. The company sold just 27,140 EVs stateside last year, but got a significant 76.6 percent boost last month as shipping commenced for the F-150 Lightning.
中国「BYD」 日本でのEV乗用車販売に参入発表 | NHK
中国のEV=電気自動車大手「BYD」が、日本市場でEVの乗用車の販売に参入すると発表しました。この分野では、日本の自動車メーカーも新車を相次いで投入していて、競争が激しくなりそうです。 中国のBYDは、世界70余りの国と地域で、EVの販売を手がける有力メーカーです。 会社は21日、都内で記者会見を開いて、来年1月以…