Blizzard is ending development on Heroes of the Storm. In a brief blog post published on Friday, the studio said it plans to support the MOBA “in a manner similar” to games like Starcraft II. Moving forward, Blizzard said fans can expect the company to…
「宗教団体の名前を伏せる」「各局揃って喪服」……「安倍元首相銃撃事件」テレビ報道への4つの“違和感”(鎮目 博道) @moneygendai
元テレビ朝日ニュースデスクが解説 安倍晋三元首相が殺害されるという衝撃的な事件が起きた昨日、テレビは当然のことながらその事件報道一色に染まった。「襲撃されて心肺停止状態」という第一報から、テレビ東京系列を除きほぼ全ての通常編成の番組は予定を変更して特番となり、深夜まで繰り返し安倍元首相殺害関連の事…
安倍元首相「暗殺」と一面で報じた米メディア 同盟国アメリカの受け止めは?(安部かすみ) – 個人 – Yahoo!ニュース
安倍晋三元首相が亡くなった。 筆者は米東部時間7日の午後10時半すぎ、ふと見たツイッターで「Shinzo Abe」という文字がトレンド2位にあることに気づいた。タイトルを見ると「Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe shot during campaign…」と書かれてあった。‘shot’という文字が目に飛び込んできたが「shot(銃撃)…
Shoko Egawa on Twitter: “NHKラジオ、安倍氏について岩田解説委員がその功績を、私が功罪の罪の部分も語る役割分担。双方を聞いて考える材料にしていただければよい、と思うが(多くの聴取者はそうしていると思うが)、残念ながら自分の考えと違う論者は許せない人がいる。明日以降、身辺には気をつけるようにしたい”
Engadget Podcast: How bad is the Supreme Court’s EPA ruling?
This week, Devindra and Senior Writer Sam Rutherford dive into the Supreme Court’s latest EPA ruling, which severely limits the agency’s ability to curtail power plant emissions. Devindra also chats with ProPublica reporter Lisa Song about what this me…
安倍氏銃撃の映像「繰り返しの視聴に注意を」 専門家が呼びかけ | 毎日新聞
安倍晋三元首相が銃撃を受けた事件の映像が繰り返し報道されている。報道とメンタルヘルスの関係に詳しい目白大の重村淳教授(精神医学)は「誰もが知る元首相への銃撃という衝撃的な事件で、感情移入が起きやすい。不快と感じたら、その場で視聴をやめる勇気を」と呼びかける。 過去には、米同時多発テロ(2001年)など…
Rockstar will slow ‘Read Dead Online’ updates to focus on the new GTA
Rockstar Games confirmed that GTA VI, if that’s what’s the next entry in the series is going to be called, has been in the works earlier this year when it announced the release date of GTA V and GTA Online for the PS5 and the Xbox Series X|S. Now, in a post detailing a major update coming to the GTA Online experience, the developer said that it’s been “steadily moving more development resources” towards the next Grand Theft Auto title over the past few years. The company has done so, because it understands the “need to exceed players’ expectations,” but it has had to make changes to how it supports Red Dead Online as a result.
The biggest change for Red Dead players is that the developer will no longer roll out major themed updates like in previous years. As GameRant explains, that means no more new Specialist Roles, missions and game modes, as well. The company will still build upon existing modes and add new Telegram Missions, which are solo activities players can do to get rewards, this year. But going forward, Rockstar will focus on showcasing previously added Roles and missions during Red Dead Online’s monthly events.
Red Dead Online players had complained about the lack of substantial updates in the past and about Rockstar’s tendency to prioritize the Grand Theft Auto franchise over its other games. GTA is a massive moneymaker for the developer, though, so it doesn’t really come as a surprise that Rockstar has chosen to put all its efforts towards making sure that fans will love GTA VI.
Meta Quest headsets will soon no longer need a Facebook login
Meta is changing course on its controversial requirement for users of its virtual reality headsets to log in with a Facebook account. Instead, they’ll need a new Meta account, which won’t need to be linked to Facebook. The company will start rolling out the new account next month for existing and new Meta Quest users. Those with a legacy Oculus account will need to have a Meta account to keep using their headset after January 1st, 2023.
The company stressed that a Meta account is not a social media profile, saying that it “lets you log into your VR devices and view and manage your purchased apps in one place.” It noted that future devices will require Meta accounts too.
There is a social aspect to the new account type though, at least for VR headsets. When you create a Meta account, you’ll need to create a Meta Horizon profile with the username, avatar, profile photo and so on that you’ll use in the company’s vision of the metaverse.
Oculus friends will become your followers and you’ll automatically follow them back. You can, of course, unfollow people and stop others from following you. You’ll still have the option of linking your Meta account to Facebook and Instagram, so you’ll be able to chat with friends in the VR version of Messenger or find some buds to play games with.
While Facebook has a one-account-per-person rule, the company is fine with you having multiple Meta accounts. Perhaps you’ll have one for virtual meetings and another for hanging out with friends.
The new accounts will offer privacy controls, including the option to make your profile private and manually approve follower requests. Users aged between 13 and 17 will have private profiles by default.
This is an important shift for Meta as it continues to place more focus on its vision of the metaverse. However, Meta is said to have scaled back its metaverse ambitions in the last few months, having reportedly killed off some Reality Labs projects and put a planned dual-camera smartwatch on hold.
Still, there are at least some positives of Meta divorcing VR from its social media apps. Folks who are interested in Meta Quest but want nothing to do with Facebook will no longer need an account for the latter.
Twitter tests allowing users to co-author tweets
Twitter is experimenting with a new feature that allows two accounts to co-author a tweet. The company is calling it a “CoTweet,” which it’s now testing with “select” accounts in the United States, Canada and Korea.With a CoTweet, two accounts can be l…
‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ cements its first season with a strong finale
The following article contains really significant spoilers for ‘A Quality of Mercy.’We’re living in the age of the prequel, with studios exploiting every scrap of existing material where there’s an audience already in place to enjoy it. But the low-han…