【関連動画】 記者会見の動画は下記URLからご覧ください。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAzgWoWlkGY 大森グループホームページ https://groups.ims.ac.jp/organization/ohmori_g/ 発表のポイント •「ほぼ絶対零度に冷却したミクロン間隔の原子2個を、超高速レーザーで操作する」という全く新しい方法によって、世…
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is further delayed. Will be released in two installments starting in March next year.
That games are delayed is now part of the norm and now game publisher Take-Two has announced that Marvel’s Midnight Suns will be delayed again. […]
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新型コロナ 重症化に関わるたんぱく質を研究グループが確認 | NHK
新型コロナウイルスに感染し、重症になった人では、免疫の制御に関わる遺伝子が作るたんぱく質の量が少なくなっていたとする分析結果を、慶応大学などの研究グループが発表しました。このたんぱく質を活性化する薬剤が見つかれば、新たな治療法になる可能性があるとしています。 この研究は、慶応大学の福永興壱教授や大…
Young people try out Windows 98. OMG LOL.
It is now 24 years since Windows 98 was released. Here, Linus Tech Tips and his young colleagues test the ancient operating system to see […]
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Rumor: Electric sedan Corvette on the way. Will challenge the Porsche Taycan.
Rumors are always fun, and sometimes they can actually have some kind of basis and not just be taken out of thin air. These latest […]
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Google is suing Sonos again. The fight over patents for smart speakers continues.
The legal battle between Google and Sonos looks set to continue. Now Google is once again suing Sonos as it believes that Sonos is infringing […]
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Apple is said to tell suppliers not to write Made in Taiwan. Must write “Chinese Taipei” or “Taiwan, China”.
Apple is said to have warned Taiwanese suppliers not to write “Made in Taiwan”, but instead either “Chinese Taipei” or “Taiwan, China” to ensure that […]
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Steam gets official Joy-Con support. Use the Switch controls on the computer.
The Verge reports that Valve has given the Steam beta client official support for the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers. Since before, Nintendo’s Switch Pro controller […]
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Finnish Valmet will manufacture Sion electric cars. Go Finland.
The Finnish car and battery manufacturer Valmet Automotive announced this week that they will begin production of the Sion electric car next year at their […]
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by Mark Chivers 目が左右に張り出した頭の形が特徴的なシュモクザメは、鐘を鳴らすT字型の仏具である撞木(しゅもく)からつけられた名前で、英語でもハンマーの頭の部分(Hammerhead)から名前をとって「Hammerhead shark」と呼ばれています。一目見たら忘れられないシュモクザメの奇妙な頭の形について、サメの専門家が解…