Maintenance work on several Swedish roads is stopped. The asphalt has become too expensive due to the war in Ukraine.

Swedish Radio reports that the Swedish Transport Administration and several municipalities are now stopping several planned maintenance of roads as the asphalt has become too […]

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食べ物の味と見た目を変える装置、明大が開発 「牛乳→カニクリームコロッケ」などに変身 「エリンギ→毒キノコ」も

明治大学は7月8日、食べ物の味と見た目を変える装置「TTTV2」を開発したと発表した。甘味や酸味、塩味、苦味、うま味などの基本五味や辛味などを感じさせる液体を混ぜ、食べ物に噴霧することで、その味を変えるという。研究チームでは牛乳をカニクリームコロッケの味に変えることに成功したとしている。 装置ではまず、…


Dr. RawheaD @RawheaD 「サピエンス全史」の著者、ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリが、自分が編みたい「物語」を編むために科学や事実といったものを割愛したり歪曲していることを指摘する記事。この手のストーリーテラーを「サイエンス・ポピュリスト」と呼び批判している。… 2022-07-11 01:…

President Biden will reveal the first James Webb Space Telescope image today at 5PM ET

NASA has decided to reveal the first James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) image today rather than waiting until tomorrow as planned, it announced in a tweet. President Joe Biden will do the honor at 5PM ET, with a live stream of the event available on NASA TV and images available simultaneously on NASA’s website

Anticipation has been building for the first images, to say the least. NASA stoked that on Friday by announcing the targets to be shown, including the Carina and Southern Ring Nebulae, the gas exoplanet WASP-96b and a deep field view of the SMACS 0723 galaxy clusters. Only a select group of scientists and administrators have viewed the images so far. “What I have seen moved me, as a scientist, as an engineer, and as a human being,” said NASA deputy administrator Pam Melroy.

It appears that just a single image will be revealed today, but NASA didn’t say which one. The rest are still slated to arrive tomorrow, starting at 9:45 with remarks by NASA and Webb leadership. That’ll be followed by live coverage of the image release slated for 10:30 AM ET on NASA TV, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and Daily Motion

ARRC 首枚可導控混合式火箭試射成功

在昨日(10 日)清晨 6 時 12 分,台灣陽明交通大學前瞻火箭研究中心(ARRC)成功發射了其 HTTP-3A 火箭的上級部份至 3 公里的高度,成為全球第一枚可導控的混合式火箭。這也是隸屬科技部的「短期科研探空火箭發射場域」啟用以來的首次發射活動。…

Asteroid NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission landed on had a surface like a ‘pit of plastic balls’

Nearly two years ago, NASA made history when its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft briefly “tagged” 101955 Bennu to collect a regolith sample from the surface of the asteroid. While the mission won’t return to Earth until late next year, NASA shared new information about the celestial body. In an update published this week (via Mashable), the agency revealed OSIRIS-REx would have sunk into Bennu had the spacecraft not immediately fired its thrusters after touching the asteroid’s surface.

“It turns out that the particles making up Bennu’s exterior are so loosely packed and lightly bound to each other that if a person were to step onto Bennu they would feel very little resistance, as if stepping into a pit of plastic balls that are popular play areas for kids,” NASA said.

That’s not what scientists thought they would find on Bennu. Observing the asteroid from Earth, the expectation was that its surface would be covered in smooth, sandy beach-like material. Bennu’s reaction to OSIRIS-REx’s touchdown also had scientists puzzled. After briefly interacting with the asteroid, the spacecraft left a 26-foot (8-meter) wide crater. In lab testing, the pickup procedure “barely made a divot.” 

After analyzing data from the spacecraft, they found it encountered the same amount of resistance a person on Earth would feel while squeezing the plunger on a French press coffee carafe. “By the time we fired our thrusters to leave the surface, we were still plunging into the asteroid,” said Ron Ballouz, a scientist with the OSIRIS-REx team.

According to NASA, its findings on Bennu could help scientists better interpret remote observations of other asteroids. In turn, that could help the agency design future asteroid missions. “I think we’re still at the beginning of understanding what these bodies are, because they behave in very counterintuitive ways,” said OSIRIS-REx team member Patrick Michel.