Instagram is testing a new full-screen TikTok-like feed

Instagram is testing a new full-screen version of Instagram’s feed that would make scrolling through posts look and feel a lot more like TikTok. Mark Zuckerberg shared a preview of the test on his Instagram Story, saying that the new look would be available to some people “soon.”

The app began testing a version of a “full-screen” feed last month, but in that test feed posts didn’t actually take up the entire screen of the app. But with the latest version shared by Zuckerberg, posts extend all the way to the top of the screen, much as they do on TikTok. The new look also tweaks the shortcuts for accessing your inbox and creating new posts.

Though still an experiment, the new look is in-line with Meta’s stated desire to make competing with TikTok a top priority. On instagram, that’s meant inserting more Reels and “suggested” content into users feed, as well as emphasizing video more than static images. “Photos are still an important part of Instagram, and we’re working on ways to improve the way they show up in a full-screen Feed too,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Meta is also planning a major revamp of Facebook’s app that would insert more “recommended” content in users’ feeds, rather than posts from friends and pages they follow. Zuckerberg has said the changes are part of broader pivot toward AI-driven recommendations rather than simply relying on users existing social graphs.

Microsoft’s Defender online security tool is now available to consumers

It took awhile, but Microsoft Defender is now generally available for all your personal devices, not just Windows PCs and businesses. The new Defender for individuals gives Microsoft 365 subscribers an online tool that bolsters the existing malware and phishing security measures you’re (hopefully) using. It extends Windows’ anti-malware safeguards to Android, iOS and macOS. You’ll also receive security alerts, as well as solutions and tips. You can manage a whole family’s security from a central dashboard, and view the antivirus systems you already use (including third-party software).

Microsoft cautioned that new malware protections aren’t available when they already exist on iOS and Windows. Advice is only available on Macs and Windows systems.

Defender for individuals is included with Microsoft 365 Personal and Family plans in most countries. Prices start at $70 per year for a Personal account in the US. The company vowed that this was “just the start” of its efforts, and that it planned to introduce features like identity theft protection and secure connections.

This won’t necessarily replace all your other defenses. You’ll still want to be on guard, particularly for fraud and other digital crimes that Microsoft’s tool doesn’t currently cover. It may be a useful supplement, though, and it’s an easy choice if you were already using Microsoft 365.

「Internet Explorer」サポート終了に自治体「なんで急に」報道 Twitterで「さすがに草」などの声

米マイクロソフト(MS)は6月15日(現地時間)、1995年から提供するWebブラウザ「Internet Explorer」(インターネットエクスプローラー、IE)のサポートを終了した。同じく同社が提供する「Microsoft Edge」にWebブラウザの機能を集約するとともに、IEを起動しようとするとEdgeが起動。IE自体が完全に使用できなくなる…

Samsung merges Pay and Pass into a single Wallet app

Samsung is making it easier to store your credit card information and other digital data on your phone. On Wednesday, the company announced the merging of its Pay and Pass apps into a single Wallet platform. With the change, you won’t have to use two d…

Internet Explorer に会いたくなったら…

長く Internet Explorer に苦しめられてきた と沢山の思い出を作ってきたので、なんだか寂しい様な、懐かしいような、そんな気持ちです。 もしかしたら今後、またあの e のマークに会いたい、そんな風に思える日がくるかもしれませんね。今日、ちょっと寂しくなったので以下を実行してみました。

「インターネット エクスプローラー」きょうでサポート終了 | NHK

インターネット閲覧ソフトとして広く使われてきた「インターネット エクスプローラー」は、利用する人が減る中、16日、サポートが終了となります。ソフト供給元のマイクロソフトは、後継となる「マイクロソフトエッジ」など別の閲覧ソフトの利用を呼びかけています。 「インターネット エクスプローラー」は、「ウィンド…

Facebook is planning a major redesign to help it compete with TikTok

Mark Zuckerberg and other Meta executives have made it clear for some time that competing with TikTok is their top priority. Now, we have additional details about how they plan to completely overhaul the Facebook app to accomplish that.The social netwo…

障害発生時に担当者へのオンコールを自動化「Grafana OnCall」がオープンソースで公開

クラウド対応のログ可視化ツールとして知られる「Grafana」や監視システム「Prometheus」などを開発し提供するGrafana Labsは、障害発生時に担当者へのオンコールを自動化できるオンコールマネジメントソフトウェア「Grafana OnCall」をオープンソースで公開したことを明らかにしました。 Introducing the newest member…