テスラはドイツにおいて、充電ステーション「スーパーチャージャー」の一部に仮設プールの設置を始めた。充電の待ち時間に、顧客が退屈しないようにするための試みと考えられる。 Tesla Welt PodcastのYouTubeチャンネルが公開した動画を見る限り、プールとは言っても、パッと見はダンプカーの荷 […]
テスラCEOのイーロン・マスク氏は、テスラの顧客を待たせず、サービス時間を可能な限り短縮するため、「フォーミュラ1のピットクルー技術を適用」することに取り組んでいるとツイートした。マスクCEOは先月、北米におけるテスラのサービス改善に取り組んでおり、修理サービスの多くを即日対応にすることを目指してい […]
High-speed thrilling Tesla “crazy” scene sunshade covers the front windshield “autopilot”
High-speed thrilling Tesla “crazy” scene sunshade covers the front windshield “autopilot” Although Tesla’s current automatic assisted driving experience is good, it has not yet reached […]
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Lin Zhiying is still in the intensive care unit and will undergo a second round of surgery: the police said that the man who was not wearing a seat belt immediately screamed at the man in the lane in the accident Technology changes the future
Lin Zhiying is still in the intensive care unit and will undergo a second round of surgery: the police said that the car accident without […]
The post Lin Zhiying is still in the intensive care unit and will undergo a second round of surgery: the police said that the man who was not wearing a seat belt immediately screamed at the man in the lane in the accident Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.
The scene of the fire again when the Tesla driven by Lin Zhiying was towed away: the chassis burns in mid-air
The scene of the fire again when the Tesla driven by Lin Zhiying was towed away: the chassis burned in mid-air A few days ago, […]
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Brother Lin Zhiying said that he is still in a coma. The next two or three days are the key: Tesla crashed and caught fire and was burned with scrap iron. -Technology changes the future
Brother Lin Zhiying said that he is still in a coma. The next two or three days are the key: Tesla crashed and caught fire […]
The post Brother Lin Zhiying said that he is still in a coma. The next two or three days are the key: Tesla crashed and caught fire and was burned with scrap iron. -Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.
Tesla Shanghai factory is about to complete the production line transformation, and the production line will usher in a small peak of recruitment
IT House July 23 news, according to Future Auto Daily, the Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory transformation plan started in July, in which the second-phase production line […]
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4680 battery becomes a bottleneck: unknown factors hinder Tesla’s battery self-production plan
Beijing time on the morning of July 22, according to reports, Tesla said on Wednesday local time that it will continue to rely on suppliers […]
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Tesla’s stock price rose 10%, “enemies” are miserable: a loss of $1 billion in one day
Tesla released its 2022 financial report yesterday, and revenue and profits soared, driving Tesla’s stock price up 10%, which also caused Musk’s enemies, the shorts […]
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People’s Favorite Model!The sales of the top ten SUV brands in the first half of the year were released: the top three unsuspenseful models are explosive products-SUV, BYD, Tesla, pure electric SUV – Kuai Technology (media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future
People’s Favorite Model!The sales of the top ten SUV brands in the first half of the year were released: the top three unsuspenseful models are […]
The post People’s Favorite Model!The sales of the top ten SUV brands in the first half of the year were released: the top three unsuspenseful models are explosive products-SUV, BYD, Tesla, pure electric SUV – Kuai Technology (media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.