集束超音波治療の開始前、血流にはマイクロバブルが注入される。低強度の集束超音波がマイクロバブルを振動させ、これによって血液脳関門が一時的に開かれて、腫瘍に薬を届けられるようになる。(PHOTOGRAPH BY KEVIN VAN PAASSEN, SUNNYBROOK HEALTH SCIENCES CENTRE) 2021年春のある日、カナダ、トロントにあるサニー…
Researchers made cyborg locusts that can smell cancer
Early in the pandemic, scientists tried training dogs to detect COVID-19 infections in humans. The results were predictable. Man’s best friend proved adept at sniffing out the disease, but the question researchers kept asking themselves was how they wo…
【速報】東京23区 高校生までの医療費を無償化へ 所得制限なし 特別区長会が表明
東京23区で来年度から高校生までの医療費が無料となる。 東京23区の区長からなる特別区長会の山﨑孝明会長は、午後1時半から記者会見を行い、来年度から、所得制限なく、23区内の高校生までの医療費を無償化する考えを明らかにした。 現在、23区と一部の市町村では、所得制限なく中学生までの医療費が無償化されていて、…
「黒死病」の起源は中央アジア DNA分析で解明
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Lawmakers ask Google to stop steering people seeking abortion to anti-abortion sites
A group of Democratic lawmakers led by Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Rep. Elissa Slotkin is urging Google to “crack down on manipulative search results” that lead people seeking abortions to anti-abortion clinics. In a letter addressed to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, the lawmakers reference a study conducted by US nonprofit group Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). The organization found that 1 in 10 Google search results for queries such as “abortion clinics near me” and “abortion pill” — specifically in states with trigger laws that would ban the procedure the moment Roe v. Wade is overturned — points to crisis pregnancy centers that oppose abortion instead.
“Directing women towards fake clinics that traffic in misinformation and don’t provide comprehensive health services is dangerous to women’s health and undermines the integrity of Google’s search results,” the lawmakers wrote. CCDH also found that 37 percent of results on Google Maps for the same search terms lead people to anti-abortion clinics. The lawmakers argue in the letter that Google should not be displaying those results for users searching for abortion and that if the company’s search results must continue showing them, they should at least be properly labeled.
In addition, CCDH found that 28 percent of ads displayed at the top of Google search results are for crisis pregnancy centers. Google added a disclaimer for those ads, “albeit one that appears in small font and is easily missed,” the lawmakers note, after getting flak for them a few years ago. “The prevalence of these misleading ads marks what appears to be a concerning reversal from Google’s pledge in 2014 to take down ads from crisis pregnancy centers that engage in overt deception of women seeking out abortion information online,” the letter reads.
Warner, Slotkin and the letter’s other signees are asking Google what it plans to do to limit the appearance of anti-abortion clinics when users are explicitly searching for abortion services. And, if Google chooses not to take action to prevent them from appearing in results, the group is asking whether Google would add user-friendly disclaimers clarifying whether the clinic is or isn’t providing abortion services. You can read the whole letter below:
NEW: @RepSlotkin and I are leading a group of lawmakers to push on the Google CEO to crack down on manipulative search results that lead to scammy “crisis pregnancy centers.”
It’s time for them to limit or label results and ads that lead to fake abortion clinics. pic.twitter.com/LlkTueI2QP
— Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) June 17, 2022
A Supreme Court draft obtained by Politico in May showed that SCOTUS justices have voted to reverse Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that protected the federal rights to abortion across the country. Senator Ron Wyden and 41 other Democratic lawmakers also previously asked Google to stop collecting and keeping users’ location data. They said the information could be used against people who’ve had or are seeking abortions in states with trigger laws.
Supporting evolving COVID information needs
COVID-19 has transformed the way we live, work and interact with each other. Over the course of the pandemic, finding timely, reliable and locally relevant information has been critically important, and people have often turned to Google first to make …
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Facebook’s advertising tools are tracking people seeking abortion services, report says
Facebook is collecting data about people who visit the websites of pregnancy crisis centers, according to a report from Reveal. The findings raise questions about how that data could be misused, and Meta’s ability to enforce its advertising rules.
In an investigation conducted with The Markup, Reveal found that hundreds of crisis pregnancy centers were using the Meta Pixel on their websites. The Meta Pixel allows companies to keep tabs on who visits their websites so they can create targeted ads on Facebook. As the report notes, so-called crisis pregnancy centers typically aren’t licensed medical establishments and are not bound by HIPAA and other privacy regulations. Instead, they are “mostly run by religiously aligned organizations whose mission is to persuade people to choose an option other than abortion.”
Under Meta’s rules, the Meta Pixel is supposed to filter out “sensitive” health data, like much of what Reveal found was being collected. “In many cases, the information was extremely sensitive – for example, whether a person was considering abortion or looking to get a pregnancy test or emergency contraceptives,” Reveal reports. In some cases, the social network also received data about specific appointments that were requested. The report also found that third-party anti-abortion marketing companies were able to gain access to data collected by the Meta Pixel, even though their websites had not been visited.
In a statement provided to Reveal, Meta said that “It is against our policies for websites and apps to send sensitive information about people through our Business Tools,” referring to the Meta Pixel. “Our system is designed to filter out potentially sensitive data it detects, and we work to educate advertisers on how to properly set up our Business Tools.”
The issue of online platforms collecting data from people seeking abortion services has taken on a new urgency in recent weeks following a leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade. Privacy advocates have warned that the information could be used to prosecute people seeking abortions in areas where it’s been outlawed. Lawmakers have also raised concerns about the issue, calling on Apple, Google and other platforms to bar apps that collect data targeting people seeking abortion services.
Mental health resources you can count on
When you or someone you care for is going through a mental health situation, it can feel isolating, overwhelming and distressing. To get through those moments, access to the right resources can make all the difference.Anxiety and depression increased b…
「血管」のトリセツ – あしたが変わるトリセツショー
https://www.nhk.jp/p/torisetsu-show/ts/J6MX7VP885/blog/bl/pnR8azdZNB/bp/pmAMYd9JDm/ 「血管のトリセツ」ダウンロードはこちら↓ http://www.nhk.or.jp/program/torisetsu-show/2022_kekkan.pdf トリセツ01 健康で若々しくいるための血管のヒミツ POINT>アマゾンの超健康な民族!そのヒミツは? 脳の老化が70%遅…