Facebook removes posts that offer abortion pills. Can also turn off users who post such posts.

Several American media outlets state that Meta’s both services Facebook and Instagram have started deleting posts where users offer to send abortion pills to people […]

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ウラシマソウの『竿』の適応的意義を解明 ―『竿』は主要な花粉の運び手を『釣る』道具だった―


NASA takes a step towards putting humans back on the Moon with CAPSTONE launch

Rocket Lab has successfully launched NASA’s 55-pound CAPSTONE cubesat that will eventually orbit the Moon if all goes to plan. It’s a small but important step in NASA’s Artemis mission that aims to send humans to the Moon for the first time since 1972. 

The launch proceeded nominally according to NASA’s broadcast, reaching low-Earth orbit at about ‘T’ plus 10 minutes. An Electron launch is much like any other, except that it’s the first rocket to be electrically powered by batteries rather than a gas turbine. As such, there’s a phase called “battery ejection” which happens near the end of the launch cycle. 

Rocket Lab used an Electron rocket with a special addition called the Lunar Photon upper stage with enough power to send it into deep space. It’s one of the smallest rockets to attempt to launch a payload to lunar orbit, the company said. It launched from Rocket Lab’s site on New Zealand’s Mahia Peninsula, and is “the highest mass and the highest performance Electron has ever had to fly by quite some margin,” the company told TechCrunch earlier. 

CAPSTONE will orbit Earth for nine days to build up enough speed for a trans lunar injection (TLI) that will allow it to eventually orbit the Moon. The primary objective is to verify a type of highly elliptical lunar orbit called “near rectilinear halo” that’s planned for the Gateway space station. Gateway will eventually be delivered to lunar orbit by SpaceX with a science lab and living quarters for astronauts, along with ports for future spacecraft. 

Rocket Lab was supposed to launch CAPSTONE yesterday but delayed it until today “to perform final system checks,” NASA tweeted. Regardless of the launch date, it’s scheduled to arrive at the moon on November 13th. To see a replay of the livecast, check here


巨大細菌チオマルガリータ・マグニフィカ(Thiomargarita magnifica)がカリブ海のマングローブ林に沈んだ葉の表面で増殖する様子のイラスト。(ILLUSTRATION BY NOÉMIE ERIN) 細菌と聞けば普通、顕微鏡でしか見えないほど小さな生物を思い浮かべるだろう。しかし、肉眼で容易に確認できるほど巨大な細菌が、カリブ海の…

うつ症状のメカニズム解明へ 特徴的な「脳波パターン」とは…東北大学が世界初の発見【宮城発】(FNNプライムオンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース

長引くコロナ禍の影響により、国内ではうつの症状を訴える人が、コロナ流行前と比べ2倍以上に増加している。なぜうつ症状が起きるのか、これまでそのメカニズムは正確にはわかっていなかったが、いま解明に向けた研究が進んでいる。その最前線を取材した。 【画像】「シータ波とガンマ波の制御がうまくできない」と佐々…

Mars Express orbiter finally gets a software upgrade, 19 years later

Think the computers at your office are overdue for an update? They probably don’t compare to one of the European Space Agency’s best-known spacecraft. The ESA is upgrading its Mars Express orbiter’s MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ioniospheric Sounding) software 19 years after its June 2003 launch. For context, the original code was created using a toolset built for Windows 98 — there are computers in museums that are newer than Microsoft’s OS.

The update promises to dramatically improve the Mars Express craft’s efficiency. The initial approach gathered large amounts of high-resolution data that quickly swamped memory. With the new software, scientists can toss out unnecessary data. This lets MARSIS run for five times longer than before, and cover much wider swaths of Mars and Phobos in a given pass.

The improvement should help explore the subsurface levels of Mars and Phobos in much greater detail. Researchers hope the extra resolution will let them quickly confirm signals hinting at liquid water near Mars’ south pole. In effect, the MARSIS revamp will make sure Mars Express can continue its mission. 

Mars Express is most famous for discovering previous signs of liquid water on the Red Planet, but it’s also known for capturing dramatic visuals of the martian landscape. While it won’t necessarily make similar headlines as a result of the update, it should remain relevant where it might have become obsolete.