日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ベルリン=南毅郎】世界各国の中央銀行が参加する国際決済銀行(BIS)は21日、デジタル通貨に関する報告書を公表した。価格変動が激しい暗号資産(仮想通貨)は「構造…
「仮想通貨に構造的欠陥」 国際決済銀行、金融リスク警鐘(写真=ロイター)
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ベルリン=南毅郎】世界各国の中央銀行が参加する国際決済銀行(BIS)は21日、デジタル通貨に関する報告書を公表した。価格変動が激しい暗号資産(仮想通貨)は「構造…
Tesla sued by ex-employees who claim that mass layoffs violated federal law
Tesla is being sued by two former employees from its Sparks, Nevada gigafactory over mass layoffs, Reuters has reported. They claim that more than 500 workers were let go at the plant without the required 60-days of advance notice, in violation of federal laws. “Tesla has simply notified the employees that that their terminations would be effective immediately,” the complaint states. They’re seeking class action status on behalf of any US Tesla employees laid off in May or June without advance notice.
The US WARN Act requires that companies provide 60-day notice before any mass layoffs, under certain circumstances. The idea is to give employees sufficient time to find other work or retrain. One of the workers who filed the suit, John Lynch, said he was notified on June 10th that he’d been terminated effective immediately.
“Tesla started laying people off in blatant disregard for the WARN act,” attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan (who is representing the workers), told Bloomberg — adding that Tesla only offered one week of severance pay to some employees. She’s preparing an emergency motion in an effort to block Tesla from trying to get releases from employees in exchange for a week of severance pay.
Following news of the lawsuit, Musk told CNBC in an email that Tesla will be reducing its salaried headcount by 10 percent while increasing its hourly workforce. Salaried workers make up about two-thirds of Tesla employees, so the layoffs will affect around 3.5 percent of workers in total, he said. “A year from now, I think our headcount will be higher in both salaried and obviously in hourly,” Musk added.
Earlier this month, Musk signaled that job losses were coming after he reportedly told Tesla executives of plans to cut the workforce by the aforementioned 10 percent, saying he had a “super bad feeling” about the economy. Thousands of Tesla workers have reportedly been let go around the US recently and many suffered “devastating economic impact,” according to the lawsuit.
However, Musk told CNBC that the lawsuit wasn’t important. “That is a small lawsuit of minor consequence,” he said. “Anything that relates to Tesla gets big headlines, whether it is a bicycle accident or something much more serious.”
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日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 2022年度の設備投資動向調査では、新型コロナウイルス禍で低調だった鉄道や不動産で21年度実績よりも投資を積み増す企業が目立った。改修需要を中心に小売りが伸び、食…
新幹線車両で架線電圧維持 JR東が世界初、ソフト改良で 「のぞみ」高密度運転を省エネ化
JR東海は、東海道新幹線の「N700S」車両に搭載するソフトウェアを改良し、架線の電圧低下を抑制する機能を開発した。車両で架線電圧を維持する仕組みは世界初という。 JR東海は、東海道新幹線の「N700S」車両に搭載するソフトウェアを改良し、架線の電圧低下を抑制する機能を開発した。車両で架線電圧を維持する仕組みは…
新幹線車両で架線電圧維持 JR東海が世界初、ソフト改良で 「のぞみ」高密度運転を省エネ化
JR東海は、東海道新幹線の「N700S」車両に搭載するソフトウェアを改良し、架線の電圧低下を抑制する機能を開発した。車両で架線電圧を維持する仕組みは世界初という。 JR東海は、東海道新幹線の「N700S」車両に搭載するソフトウェアを改良し、架線の電圧低下を抑制する機能を開発した。車両で架線電圧を維持する仕組みは…