桔梗 @Kikyo_KATS_17 #au復旧してない 人で、ネットは繋がるのに電話したくても繋がらない人達へ。 LINEのサービスにあるLINEoutってやつ、使ってみ。広告見れば無料で3分だけ通話出来るよ。ガラケーや固定電話にも繋がるから会社や学校に連絡したい人でも使えるぜ pic.twitter.com/SQB4zVtMyq 2022-07-04 08:12:01
円相場は一段と下落し、10年物日本国債利回りはショートの動きに日本銀行が許容する変動幅の上限を突破する。株価は乱高下して、クレジット投資家の間では様子見の姿勢が広がる。 来年4月に任期満了を迎える黒田東彦日銀総裁が超低金利政策を粘り強く続ける状況にあって、投資家はこうしたシナリオを想定している。イン…
会社を潰した社長の告白 14代目が身売り決断した理由
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 現在も全国の百貨店やアウトレットに店舗展開する、和食器販売のたち吉。創業200年を超える老舗だが、その経営権は2015年、創業家の手を離れ、投資ファンドに移った。…
Tesla faces new lawsuit over claims of racism and harassment at its Fremont factory
Tesla is facing another lawsuit by a group of former and current workers at its Fremont factory who allege that it knew about but failed to stop racist slurs, harassment and more, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The employees were "subjected…
EU consumer groups file complaint against Google over ‘deceptive’ sign-up practices
Consumer groups in Europe have filed complaints against Google for using “deceptive design, unclear language and misleading choices” in its sign-up process, the European Consumer Organization (BEUC) said in a press release. “Contrary to what Google claims about protecting consumers’ privacy, tens of millions of Europeans have been placed on a fast track to surveillance when they signed up to a Google account,” said BEUC deputy director Ursula Pachl.
Europe’s GDPR rules are supposed to make it easy to choose settings that protect your privacy, but Google violates that principal when you create an account, it claims. It also emphasizes that having a Google account is a must for the Android users if they want to get apps from Google Play.
When you sign up to a @Google account, what the tech giant offers you is a #FastTrackToSurveillance instead of privacy by design. Enough! Together with consumer groups from our network, we are taking action & asking data protection authorities to step in. https://t.co/QpBWp77IPopic.twitter.com/iTLWwDUtRZ
— The Consumer Voice (@beuc) June 30, 2022
“Signup is the critical point at which Google makes users indicate their ‘choices’ about how their Google account will operate. With only one step, the consumer activates all the account settings that feed Google’s surveillance activities. Google does not provide consumers with the option to turn all settings ‘off’ in one click,” the BEUC wrote.
If you do want more privacy-friendly options, you have to use manual personalization involving “five steps with nine clicks and grappling with information that is unclear, complete and misleading,” it added.
The group noted that it first filed complaints about Google’s location-tracking practices three years ago and a decision has still not been made by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner in charge. Now, the BEUC has organized 10 consumer groups which have filed complaints in France, Norway, Greece and other EU member states.
In reply, Google gave the following statement to TechCrunch:
We know that consumer trust depends on honesty and transparency — which is why we’ve staked our future success on building ever simpler, more accessible controls and giving people clearer choices. And, just as important, doing more with less data. We welcome the opportunity to engage on this important topic with Europe’s consumer advocates and regulators. People should be able to understand how data is generated from their use of internet services. If they don’t like it, they should be able to do something about it.
The company also said that it tried to follow EU guidance that requires a “two-fold obligation of being precise and complete on the one hand and understandable on the other hand.” It added that it based its choices on “extensive research efforts, guidance from DPA’s [data protection authorities] and feedback from testers.”
The BEUC said Google’s practices haven’t changed since it first filed its complaint, though. “We need swift action from the authorities because having one of the biggest players ignoring the GDPR is unacceptable,” said Pachl. “This case is of strategic importance for which cooperation among data protection authorities across the EU must be prioritized and supported by the European Data Protection Board.” Google has faced the EU’s wrath before, receiving a $5 billion fine in 2018 over its app and browser choice practices.
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歴史に学ぶ接収されたグローバル企業の顛末|Yutaka Sugiura
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