「食べログ」側に賠償命令 評価基準変更巡り東京地裁

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら グルメサイト「食べログ」が基準を変更したことで評価点が下がり、売り上げが減少したとして、飲食チェーン店がサイト運営のカカクコムに損害賠償などを求めた訴訟の判…

「食べログ」に賠償命令 アルゴリズム変更は独禁法違反 地裁判決 | 毎日新聞


ステーキ値上げ必至か 中国に「買い負け」 輸入肉が高騰 観光客戻る“ステーキ県”に暗雲(沖縄タイムス) – Yahoo!ニュース


資産膨張40年で5倍 前例なき利上げの難路

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 「これだけ価格が上がっているのに」。ある自動車メーカー幹部は米消費者の購買意欲の強さに驚く。米国の中古車価格の指標「マンハイム指数」は2022年5月に前年比で1割…

FRB、0.75%利上げ決定 インフレ抑制へ27年ぶり上げ幅

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ワシントン=高見浩輔】米連邦準備理事会(FRB)は15日の米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で通常の3倍となる0.75%の利上げを決めた。上げ幅は1994年11月以来、27年7カ月…

Elon Musk is trying to get out of an SEC deal to have lawyers approve his tweets

Elon Musk has filed an appeal against a judge’s decision not to let him out of an agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which requires him to have lawyers review some of his tweets. A district court judge ruled that the Tesla and SpaceX CEO’s consent decree with the SEC should stand. Now, Musk is hoping the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan will overturn that decision, as Reuters reports.

Musk’s pact with the SEC stems from an infamous 2018 incident in which he tweeted that he had “funding secured” to make Tesla a private company, though that allegedly wasn’t the case. The SEC laid securities fraud charges against Musk, who has not deleted the tweet in question nearly four years later.

He quickly settled the case by agreeing to step down as Tesla chairman (but remain as CEO), while he and the company each paid civil fines of $20 million. On top of that, Musk agreed to let a lawyer vet tweets that might include material information about Tesla. He later claimed he was “forced” into the settlement, but attempts to get out of the tweet-screening arrangement have proven unsuccessful.

“Musk cannot now seek to retract the agreement he knowingly and willingly entered by simply bemoaning that he felt like he had to agree to it at the time but now — once the specter of the litigation is a distant memory and his company has become, in his estimation, all but invincible — wishes that he had not,” US District Judge Lewis Liman wrote in April.

Musk is in the process of buying Twitter for $44 billion, despite threatening to back out. The deal is expected to close this year, pending approval by regulators and Twitter shareholders. As things stand, Musk is on the precipice of buying a social media platform on which he cannot speak entirely freely. That’s despite Musk telling the SEC itself that his purchase of Twitter would be a boon for free speech.

Meanwhile, Musk is being sued by Tesla investors over the same incident. The shareholders have accused Musk of making false and misleading statements that caused stock prices to rise, leading to billions of dollars in damages. Musk maintains he did have funding in place, though a judge ruled in May that “there was nothing concrete” about his claims. Musk has also been sued by an investor for allegedly not sticking to the terms of the SEC deal.

治験中のがん新療法、18人全員の腫瘍が6ヶ月で消失 専門医「前代未聞」(ニューズウィーク日本版) – Yahoo!ニュース

アメリカで行われた小規模な臨床試験において、参加者全員のがんが消失する結果が確認された。研究に直接参加していないがん専門医も、「前代未聞」の効果だと述べ驚きをあらわにしている。 ● 動画:がん新療法、腫瘍が6ヶ月で消失した衝撃 この臨床試験は、特定のタイプの直腸がんの患者を対象としたものだ。より多くの…

神奈川歯科大・社会人講座に「ニセ科学」指摘 大学側は「正当性」主張の構え

神奈川歯科大学(神奈川県横須賀市)の大学院社会人講座の一部に「ニセ科学」が含まれていると、歯科医らからツイッターで指摘が相次いでいる。 この講座は、文部科学省の履修証明プログラムになっているが、同省は「大学の自主性に任せており、何か言える立場でない」と取材に答えた。大学では、「取り下げる予定はなく…

Qualcomm won’t have to pay its $1 billion EU fine over LTE deal with Apple

The European Union’s second highest court has ruled in favor of Qualcomm (PDF) and has scrapped a 2018 European Commission decision to slap the company with a €997 million ($1.05 billion) fine. Back in 2018, the Commission said Qualcomm abused its market dominance in LTE baseband chipsets by paying Apple billions of dollars from 2011 to 2016 to exclusively use its chips in iPhones and iPads. That allegedly prevented rivals, such as Intel, from striking deals with the iPhone-maker. Now, the General Court has annulled “in its entirety, the Commission decision.”

In its announcement, the General Court said it based its decision on two factors. First is that it found a “number of procedural irregularities” that affected Qualcomm’s right of defense. The Commission apparently failed to record the precise content of meetings and conference calls with third parties in connection with the case as it was required to do so. Further, it based its decision on Qualcomm’s alleged abuse of market dominance for LTE chipsets alone, even though the case’s statement of objections also mentioned its abuse of position when it comes to Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) chipsets. 

The General Court has also found that while Qualcomm’s payments reduced Apple’s incentives to use other companies’ products, there were no viable alternatives to its LTE chipsets for iPhones at the time anyway. It has also decided that there was no sufficient evidence to determine whether Qualcomm’s payments prevented Apple from using other companies’ chipsets for its iPad models released in 2014 and 2015.

This is the second fine imposed by the European Commission against big tech companies that the General Court has scrapped. In January, the court also overturned the €1.06 billion fine the Commission levied against Intel. Similar to this particular case, the Commission accused Intel of abusing its dominant position in the market by offering manufacturers such as HP, Dell and Lenovo incentives for using its microprocessors instead of those from rival AMD’s. 

Qualcomm’s fight might not be over, though. As Reuters notes, the Commission can still file an appeal with Europe’s highest court. Indeed, it told the publication that it will study the court’s judgement closely before deciding on its next steps.